Chapter 1 You're Not Going Anywhere

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*Your POV*

Sickening laughter erupted over the speakers, drowning out the music in the club. Gun shots and the sound of bottles being smashed, then screams followed. I Felt a hand grab my arm and I whipped around to find my friend Nathan trying to pull me to safety. "No! We have to find Sarah!" I demanded. He shook his head solemnly, I could see tears threatening to escape his eyes. No. Sarah is his girlfriend and my best friend. No, was. I nodded shortly and let him pull me through the ruins of what was just a bar a few minutes ago.

Something exploded to our left and we both crouched instinctively. "(Y/N), its gas!" Nathan shouted and covered his mouth with his shirt. I did the same as cries of help echoed across the room. "You go on! I'm Going to see if I can pull anyone out!" and with that his grip left my arm and I was left alone to blindly crawl in the smoke.

(A/N) ***Means time skip and (Y/N) means Your name if you didn't already know


Once I got outside I noticed thugs grabbing anyone who had managed to escape and sedating them. I ducked into the nearest ally as I began sprinting, until I smacked into a figure that felt like a stone surface. "I- I'm sorry..." I stammered as I got up and tried to proceed.

Laughter. THAT laughter. I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't move or scream, it's like his laugh froze me. He continued in a tone just as harsh as his laugh, "Where do you think you're going sweetheart?" it seemed like he slurred every word, even though he didn't seem drunk and it sent shivers down my spine. I closed my eyes as he lifted my chin with his hand. I couldn't look at his face. "Are you going to answer me?" he asked.

"I- I'm going home." I said quietly as I opened my eyes to see his face for the first time. He had bright green hair slicked back, but it didn't look dyed. His bright red lips were pulled back into a sickening smile showing his silver teeth. I noticed the word damaged tattooed on his forehead as I stared up at him

"Oh, you're not going anywhere." He winked. He moved quickly placing a cloth over my mouth and I mistakenly inhaled as I tried to scream, I instantly passed out.

*Joker POV*

A girl stood before me, cowering in fear as I stroked her face, her eyes were closed and she looked... beautiful. I stared at her in awe, I have never seen such a beautiful creature in my life. I had seen her in the bar and wanted to get a better look. Then I saw him a man grab her arm. She looked at him for protection, and an overwhelming feeling filled my chest. Jealousy? I saw my chance as he ran from her, towards a girl my men had caught trying to escape. I had seen her make a b-line for the front door and went out the back to loop around to this very ally. I had no Idea she would come down here but it seemed pretty likely since this was the only place for blocks I had not bothered to station my men. Now here she was right in front of me. "Are you going to answer me?" I asked her, for she had not responded to my prior question.

"I- I'm going home." She hesitantly responded.

Anger immediately filled my veins as I tried not to lash out. So I did the only thing I could. I didn't want to hurt her, so I didn't have a choice in the matter, she had already seen me, knew I was here. Stupid, stupid Joker. "You're not going anywhere," I said winking and pushed a cloth over her nose and mouth, catching her weight as she collapsed into my arms. I looked around panicked and brought her to the van we stole to see some of my crew in there.

"Uhhh, boss?" One of them started, "You said no prisoners."

"she's not a prisoner." I snarled. "Now Drive."

(A/N) Just a short one for the start, I have more written and might post more later today, I just want to get a feel for an audience. Comment your opinion, ideas or questions. Ill try and implement Ideas or suggestions if I see fit, and answer all questions in an upcoming chapter or the comments myself.

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