Chapter 4 Every King Needs a Queen

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*You're POV*

"You're not still mad are you?" He asked me.

"Oh no," I said sarcastically. "You killed my boyfriend, then you nearly cut my arm off."

"Ex boyfriend." He stated bluntly, "besides, even if he was still your boyfriend. I don't think he's... Good for you."

"Good for me?" I laughed. "Then tell me oh great one, who would be good for me?"

"I would!" I stood there astonished. Did he just tell me that he would be good for me? A laugh escaped my lips. He growled raising his hand then lowered it when I shrunk back. "I'm sorry doll." He said shortly and straightened his tie and walked down the hall to his room. I heard the door slam.

Did he really mean it? Did he really think that I would ever be with him? My kidnapper? The man who kills for kicks? I heard a vibration and I looked over to see he left his phone on the couch. I slowly walked over to it and picked it up. I saw a name across it "NATHAN" I gasped as I opened the text

N: If you hurt her, you're screwed buddy.

I quickly checked the number just to be sure. This was my Nathan. I quickly replied.

Y: hey, it's (Y/N). I'm fine.

N: (Y/N)! How have you been? Are you okay?

Y: Yes I'm fine. Just don't threaten him. He'll come after you before he hurts me.

As I hit send I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly threw his phone on the couch as Travis came into view. "Miss, Mr. J requests your presents."

"Too bad for Mr. J." I spat, "because I don't want to see him."

"Miss please..." He said. "He's sorry."

"I don't care!" I screamed at Travis. Suddenly he lifted me bringing he to the Jokers room. "Let go!"

Joker came running out of his room seeing me over Travis's shoulder and growled. "Put her down before I put you down." I threatened. He immediately put me down. "Good. Now I don't want to see your face for the rest of the day."

"But sir, I was just doing what you asked." He said calmly.

"And you just back talked to me." He said aiming his pistol at Travis's head.

"Yes sir, right away sir." Travis said as he quickly left the hall.

"Now, I have a proposition for you." The Joker Began, "and remember what just happened before you refuse." He giggled.

"You don't ask a girl a question then threaten her..." I started.

"Oh (Y/N), I didn't threaten you. I threatened others that stand in the way of me getting what I want."

"And what do you want?"

"You. I want you!" He laugh filled the empty halls "Miss, (Y/F/N) *your full name* I want you to be my partner in crime. I want you to stand by my side as I damage the whole of Gotham, and soon the world!" His sickening laugh echoed now, he was scaring me. "Every King needs his Queen (Y/N) and you just happen to be who I have chosen." He bowed his head and grabbed my hand kissing it softly. "You can I can do very, very bad things together..." He stepped closer bringing his lips to my neck. "What do you say.... Live for me (Y/N)."

I nodded slowly, afraid of I gave any other response he would lash out at me. "Y- yes Mr.... J- Joker..."

"Good girl...." He whispered kissing my neck. I shivered as his hands moved to my hips pulling me against him.  He moved his lips to mine and my breath quickened. I wrapped my arms around his neck leaning into the kiss. "Carful doll," he growled and he backed me up against the wall. " (Y/N)." He whispered softly. "I lo-"

"Ahem."  Someone cleared their throat.

"I thought I told you to-" the Joker looked up. "Oh. What is it?" He asked a man that I had never seen before in the time that I've been here.

"We have a problem." Said the man.

"How much of a problem are we talking here? Because the only problem I see is you INTERRUPTING ME!" He screamed the last part.

"J.... " I started.

"Shhh..." He stroked my hair and pulled back. "Why don't you... Go relax... I'll be back as soon as I deal with this." And with that he left following the man.

*Jokers POV*

I glared at Tomas, the new security guard for interrupting my moment with (Y/N). "What could be so important that you have to rip me away from the love of my life?"

Tomas laughed, "the love of your life? Mr. J have you completely lost it or are you just going soft?" I just kept glaring. He was a lot bigger than me but I'm sure he was just as scared of me as the rest of my men. If not, I would have to make him. "Well sir... It's Batman."

I laughed loudly nearly falling over. "Batsy is defiantly not nearly as important as (Y/N)."

"Y- you don't understand sir h-he's-" he got cut off by a scream. (Y/N)'s scream.

I turned on him quickly to see a smirk on his face. His gun drawn. "YOU'RE A SPY!" I shriek at him. I draw my pistol but it's already too late. He puts his gun to his head and shoots himself. His body falls limp. I run back to where I left (Y/N) to find batman towering over her looking angry. I growl and jump on him.

A/N okay, I'm making batman slightly more sinister to create more drama. So don't hate me.

*Your POV*

I watched as they walked away. There was something I didn't like about that guy, and it wasn't just because he made the Joker leave. I sighed and thought, what have I gotten myself into... Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me. I gasped as I took it in. Batman standing right in front of me.

"Are you okay miss?" He asked me.

I stared at him confused and then realized that he must think I'm here against my will "I- I think so..." I said testing him and slowly backing up.

He took a step forward. "I'm going to get you out of here..." He slowly extended his arm. "Do you have a home? A family?"

"This is my home." I say as I kick him in the shin and jump jump to nail him in the face. Huge mistake. He grabs my arm and throws me to the ground. I scream in agony as my wrist is contorted into an arm pretzel. "JOKER!" I shout in the direction he had left.

"I knew it." Batman growled stepping closer to me.

I see a flash of green out of the corner of my eye as Joker jumped onto Batmans shoulders. Batman roared and slammed him against the wall. Joker fell but got right back up throwing a punch. "Leave my girl alone Batsy."

"Hasn't anyone taught you to leave innocent girls alone?" Batman answered.

"A funny one, but she's defiantly not innocent." He winked as he dodged Batman. Just then, guards with guns came running and shooting into the hall.

Batman grabbed me and ran.

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