Chapter 8- Unfinished Business

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*Harley's POV*

I scream. There's blood on my hands, running down my body. What happened? "PLEASE!" I yell, but it's too late. A hand hammers down on my back. They're coming for me. They know what I've done. "I was just protecting my Puddin'!" I cry as I fell to the ground. Handcuffs clasp over my wrists.

"This is for your own good." Says a voice behind me. I bag goes over my head?

Suddenly I'm in a dark room, the bag is pulled off and I'm chained in a chair. "What are you doing to me?" I cry. No response. Cloth is wrapped around my head going into my mouth. I feel a painful electric shock go through my body as I scream.


The sun beats down on me as my body shakes. Am I shaking? I open my eyes to see J hovering over me, I look of worry in his eyes. "I didn't mean to..." I hear.

"You didn't mean what?" He asked.

"I-I-" I didn't even realize I was taking. My vision focuses as I realize I'm laying in J's bed. In not sure why I don't just call it our bed, I've been sleeping here for the past while, but it still feels weird sometimes. I smile, "who are you talking to J?" I ask him.

"You." He says, "I'm talking to you."

"I didn't say a thing." I giggle.

He raises an eye brow. "Yes you- ugh, never mind."

I stared at him for a moment  then started to cry. "I- I didn't really do it, did I J?"

He gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm afraid you did doll."

I straightened up and looked passed him. "He deserved it. He was trying to hurt you." I justified. I got up skipping out of the room. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an apple. I jumped up on the counter and turned to see one of the guard looking at me. "What?" I asked him.

He chuckled, "you know, Mr. J insists that we can't even look at you."

"And? Mistah J makes the rules. And those are the rules. So listen to em." I say to him.

He takes a step closer. "What do you say... We break the rules?"

"You break the rules, he breaks your face," I laugh.

He touches my arm. "He won't know unless you tell." He leans in me brushes my hair out of the way with his other hand.

A knife flies past my head nailing the guard in the throat. "Holy shit J, you scared me half to death!" I yell.

He shrugs, "you're right sweetheart. He breaks the rules, I break his face." He laughs, "or in this case, he dies."he held out his hand. "I don't need you around this body, I'll have Travis take care of it." He tells me. (A/N I'm literally half asleep so this chapter is going to suck ass.)

I go to him taking his hand. "I love you..."

"I love you too.." He says, "now... I have some things to take care of... Please remain here. I promise it will pay off."

I pout. "Mistah J." I groan, annoyed by his request.

"It's only a little while... After last night I think it's best. I promise I'll be back soon enough." He smiles down at me and kisses my cheek, probably going to get dressed.

I follow him. "Why can't I come with you Puddin'?"

"Because Harley, if you're there I'll be distracted with protecting you. If I'm distracted, my plan won't go accordingly. So I need you, and your pretty little body to stay put." He turned, putting his hands on my hips.

"But-" I started.

He shut me up with a kiss. "Behave doll... And I'll make sure you're rewarded." He said slyly biting the skin on my collarbone as he pulled away, leaving me standing in the hall wanting him.

*Joker's POV*

I head out, my hood up so I'm not recognized at first. Gunshots sound in the distance, "typical Gotham". I think out loud.

"You there! Give me your money!" I roll my eyes and keep walking. I hear a gun click as my arms are grabbed from behind me. The gun is held to my temple. "I said give me your fucking money!" The guy demands.

I start laughing. A gun to my head and I'm laughing. "You don't know who you're messing with." I tell him.

"No, you don't know who the fuck you're messing with!" Two more guys appear in front of me.

"I like his shoes boss." Says the first guy.

"Yeah, and his tie." The other guy jerks at my tie, pulling it out of my hoodie.

"Alright." I almost hear a sarcastic edge to his voice now. "Money, shoes and tie. I'll let you go. If you make any sudden movements, I shoot." He tells me.

I feel his arms let me go. I slowly remove my tie and hand it to the second guy, that was asking for the tie. He took it and smiled. "Your welcome. I tell him." I take off my hood and feel the other two move closer. I'm not scared, but I'm amused. I unzip my hoodie revealing my double holstered pistols and my knife strapped to my chest. I take out both guns and hold them up, removing the safety."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Their so called boss says. "We're just playin' man."

Just as I though. Their guns aren't even loaded. Idiots. "You want to play huh?" I ask. My laughter fills the ally. "Let's fucking play!" I shoot both guns up in the air then aim at his two goons and shoot them both directly in the heart. The stand still for a moment before they fall to the ground, blood spewing from their open mouths, dilated pupils staring at nothing.

I turn on their leader, bolstering both of my guns as I take a step forward. "Hey man, I don't want any trouble."
He says pointing his gun at me, shaking.

I raise an eyebrow. "You see my friend-" I pause, "you are my friend, right?" He nods. "Good. Anyways, if you didn't want any trouble, you wouldn't be threatening the King with an unloaded weapon. You brought a gun to a knife fight, my friend." I remark.

He gives me a confused expression. "No dude, I think the saying is you brought a knife to a gun fight." He told me.

"Oh?" I pull out my knife and slowly walk to him. I take his gun easily and throw it against the wall. "Ain't ya gonna run?" I ask him tracing my knife along his neck. His breath comes quicker. I smile and move my knife to below his rib cage, I twist as I push it in.

He screams in pain but is still standing, "please! Please! I didn't mean to!"

"Oh, but you did..." I chuckle. "And now I'm gonna make you pay." I angle my knife up under his ribs, piercing his left lung. He screams some more, sweat running down his face, his blood streaking my arm. "Feels a bit harder to breath, hmmm friend?" I taught him. Blood begins coming out of his mouth. I laugh harder as he chokes on it. I pull the knife out of him and put it away as I laugh.

"P-please..." He says falling to the ground holding his side.

"Sweet dreams." I wink, walking away.

(A/N okay guys, this is kind of just a filler. I feel like I've been making the Joker too soft, so I decided to add a bit more gore into it. Quick question though, what is your opinion on me possibly doing a sequel? I have a few ideas lined up depending on how this one goes. I'd love your input, thanks!)

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