Chapter 9- An Unexpected Surprise

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*Harley's POV*

I sat anxiously waiting on the bed, wearing only a white tank top and white laced panties. "Ugh." I sigh laying down and glancing at the clock. 2. It reads. AM or PM? I wonder. I glance at the window to see it's completely dark, the moon is high and the stars are shining brightly. AM. I clarify. Where is he? I wonder. I sigh and wonder into the hall. I notice Travis standing outside the door, leaning on the wall.

He straightens as soon as he sees me. "Miss." He nods a me.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Mr. J asked me to check on you."


"A few minutes ago."

"He's home?" I question.

He smiles at my reaction. "I'm afraid not." He says. "He texted me."

"Why would he text you and not let me know he's okay?" I ask. "He's been gone for hours. Since nine AM." I say, slightly annoyed.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon." He says shortly. Then clears his throat, "are you hungry Miss?"

"No." I say. "But why do you insist in calling me Miss? You know my names Harley."

"Because I like your old name better." He smiles at me. "Besides, bosses orders. Can't get too personal."

"Well, technically speaking, I'm your boss as well am I not?" He nods. "Okay...." I continue. "So I say call me Harley."

"But you've seen what he's done to the other guards if he catches them being unprofessional with you." He protests.

"You're his favourite." I tell him. "And you're also mine, so he won't kill ya." I assure him.

I heard the door open than slam shut. I smile. "He's home!" I skip down the hall.

"Miss wait! What if it's not him?" Travis calls after me.

"It's him."  I say. I stare at him, my eyes wide. Blood is all over his suit and he was a wicked smile on his face. "Puddin' what happened? Are you okay?"

"Perfectly fine." He growls, removing his jacket and discarding it on the floor.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Nothing of your concern. Let's just say everything didn't go according to plan." He said angrily.

"Tell me about it."


"But Pudd-"

"Shut up." He demanded

"J..." I tried to calm him.

He got in my face. "If I tell you to do something you listen!"


"You are fucking mine. My name is inked on your skin. You are my property." He hissed at me.

"Sir I don't think-" Travis spoke up.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD SPEAK?" I flinched as the Joker shot away from me glaring at Travis. "I COULD FUCKING KILL YOU RIGHT NOW AND NO ONE WOULD CARE!" He screams.

"I would care." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because he's my friend!"

The Joker sighs, "very well then. Carry on." Suddenly as if nothing happens he straightens up. "Oh, and Harley, I didn't forget my promise." The last word sounds harsh and I shiver.

*Jokers POV*

Jealousy fills my veins as I leave the room. The way he stood up for Harley was disrespectful towards both me and her. I can't have other men protecting MY girlfriend. I can't sit around while some other man shows her more affection than I do. I stop, realizing Harley is following me like a lost puppy. "What is it darling?" I ask her turning around.

"You said you didn't forget your promise." She pouted.

"That's right." I pick her up bridle style and carry her to our bedroom. "What did you want my dear?"

"I just wanted your attention." She tells me.

"I'm all yours." I say slyly. I lean in and kiss her neck. She shivers and let's her body fall into mine. My muscles relax as I feel myself sinking into her. "I'm sorry Harls (A/N okay I've seen multiple people using that name in different fics and I don't know if it's actually thing or not. Can someone please tell me?) I didn't mean to offend you." I tell her closing my eyes, kissing her neck more.

"You didn't." She said flatly.

I pulled back and looked into her eyes. "Why are you crying then."

"I'm not." She looked completely zoned out, but a steady flow of tears were escaping from her eyes.

"Harley I-" there was a gunshot then a crash. I stood up and Harley followed. "Stay here." I tell her sternly. I roll my eyes as she follows anyways. We venture downstairs, I look around. "Nigma." I sneer. Before me, stands the Riddler flanked by two masked man.

"Ah, Mr. J ." He spoke clearly. "How lovely for you to arrive."

(A/N I honestly did not know what to do for this chapter until the second last paragraph. Then I decided exactly what to write but figured it would be too long, so what I decided will be in the next chapter.)

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