Chapter 11- Dancing with The Devil

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*Harley's POV*

It had been weeks since the incident with The Riddler and no one has heard a peep from him. J was out doing some business with God who knows who. I was bored out of my fucking mind. I sigh. He's been keeping me stuck here afraid something would happen to me, but I'm sure I'd be fine if I went out for a drink. I'm also sure that he wouldn't mind if I borrowed his motorcycle that he never seems to use.

"Where are you going Harley?" I look up as I'm slipping on my heals to see Travis standing against the wall with his arm crossed.

"Out." I say as I continue to grab the motorcycle keys off the key rack.

"But where." He says

"I don't need someone to watch my every move Travis. To the bar though."

He sighs, "Mr. J won't like that."

"So? Honestly I'm tired of being here doing nothing. It's not like I'm hard to find. If he wants me, he knows where I am. Okay?" I tell him.

"Fine, but if I get in shit, I'm not taking the blame."

I giggled, "you know once he's made up his mind that something is someone's fault, there is no going back."

He rolls his eyes, "have fun at the bar"

And with that I leave. I hop on J's Motorcycle and head to the bar. When I get there I'm stopped by a stereotypical looking bouncer. "ID ma'am." He tells me.

"Do you know who I am?" I say tracing my fingers down his chest.

"Of course I do." He says smiling. "Too young to be in this bar." I roll my eyes and pull out my most recent ID, which was actually forged by the one and only Mr. J. "Okay, go ahead Miss Harley Quinn." He steps aside to let me through.

I walk into the bar and am hit with the crude smell of beer and various alcohols. I order a drink and just sit, watching the people around me. Hell of a lot more entertaining than sitting at home alone. I am approached by a tall man dressed fairly nice for this place. "Can I buy you another?" He asks.

"Of course!" I smile at him.

He orders me another drink. After awhile of sitting in silence I finish my drink and he says, "so... Umm..."

"Harley." I say.

"Louis." He says, then continues, "so Harley what's a pretty girl like you doing at a place like this?" He glances around looking uncomfortable.

"Well, Mistah J has been out all day and I got sorta bored." I smile at him and look in the direction he's looking in. I see a girl. "That your girlfriend?"

"Umm... No actually, it's my Ex wife." He says and looks back at me. "I'm sorry, I'm honestly just trying to make her jealous." He gives me an awkward smile. "But this uhh, Mr. J, he's your boyfriend I'm assuming?"

"He's my King."

"King?" He raises an eyebrow.

"We're the king and Queen of Gotham. I tell him, taken back that he didn't know. "But anyways, need my help making her jealous?" I ask.

"Oh, well umm. I'm not from here. She is though, my ex. She moves back here after we got divorced and I'm trying to get her back."

I giggle and lightly tug on his tie, bringing his ear down to my lips. "Then why don't me make her jealous?" I ask them pull back and drag him onto the dance floor.

As we dance I feel the alcohol start to kick in. Louis is awkward at first then gets into my rhythm and easily grinds against me. I notice his ex wife looking and I turn so I'm facing him and go down stripper style than come back up, turn around to wink at her. To my surprise it is not actually her that I end up winking at, it's a very angry looking Joker, stalking towards us. He wears a white suit with a white button up and the top two buttons are undone showing his pale chest and a hint of his tattoos.

When he reaches us he grabs my wrist and yanks me towards him causing Louis's hands to fall off of my hips. "Excuse me, but I believe you are touching something that is mine." He tells Louis looking him up and down.

"J, we were just trying to make his ex wife jealous." I say.

He turns on me, "Harley, my dear, not to be insensitive because I am aware that you were bored, but you don't need to go around with scum like him." He begins. "Where is this so called ex wife."

I point to her and he walks over and begins speaking with her, a few moments later he returns. "She, and I quote, has never seen this man in her life. So, now it's my job to wonder why you would want to even try to trick my girl into being your slut for the night." He seethes, eyeing Louis.

"Well you see..." Louis tries. "She was all on her own and looked like she needed a friend, and since you obviously weren't around...

"Shut up." J glares at him. "She is mine. And I don't give out warnings, so I now have to decide what to do with you. First you lie to my darling Queen, then you touch her where only I can touch, then you lie to me."

He moves his hand down to my ass as if to prove it to him. "Mistah J-"

"I'll deal with you later." The Joker tells me.

"Look, sir-" Louis looks at the Joker, not even flinching. Wow, well maybe he wasn't lying when he said he wasn't from Gotham.

"Sir." J spits, "who do you think I am? Her father?"

"Uhh, Mr. J?" Louis tries to correct.

"Don't call me that either. All I want to know, is why you think it's okay to take advantage of such a delicate girl." He strokes my hair with his free hand. "I mean, she obviously has a few screws loose, don't you doll?"

I growl like a dog than bark, biting at his hand which is stroking my hair. "Look buddy, I don't know what your problem is, but you're treating your girl like she's broken."

He laughed. "She is broken. And I'm the one the broke her." He looked solum for a moment than back to his normal self. The took out his pistol. "Enough with the chit-chat." The click of the safety being removed sounded loud and clear enough for all three of us to hear. He extended his arm, pointing the weapon at Louis. "Tell me right now why I shouldn't kill you for even looking at her like you have been."

"Looking at her like what?" He asked him suddenly seeming more worried.

"Looking at her like you thought, even for an instant, that she belonGED TO YOU!" He screams the last part. "Ugh! Never mind." He rolls his eyes and pulls the trigger.


Back at home, he storms upstairs. "Puddin' wait I'm sorry!" I call after him. He just keeps walking. I follow him upstairs, by the time I reach him his dress shirt. pants, and wife beater are discarded on the floor and he's laying on the bed in just his boxers.

I skip over to him and lay down, curling into his side. I feel his arm go around me and I relax, falling into his body. He sighs. "I know."

"Huh?" I ask.

"I know your sorry. It's just, when I got home and Travis said you had become bored alone and went to a bar by yourself I knew I wouldn't be coming him without killing someone else today. Wether it be a man hitting on you, or just someone giving you a hard time." He looks at me.

"Well I mean, the bouncer almost didn't let me in."

He chuckles. "Well you do look pretty young."

"Hey, I'm twenty seven, don't be fooled by the hot body." I laugh.

Suddenly he's over top of me, looking into my eyes, his filled with lust. "I'm fooled daily." He murmurs against my skin as he kisses down my stomach. "By your beautiful..." Kiss. "Perfect..." Kiss. "Body..." Kiss. I can't help myself any longer. I pull on his green hair and moan slightly, letting him know what I want. "Shh darling...." I nod and whimper as he pulls my dress down away from my chest, tearing it a little.

"Hey I liked this one." I playfully pout out my lower lip.

"Aw, I can fix it for you doll." He purrs. I'm about to respond when he presses his lips against mine forcefully, tracing every inch of the inside of my mouth. I try to adjust myself so I can pull him closer. "No dear, just relax..."


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