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man im ready to get outta here now. I guess behind bars is the place for me to be because i would choke star tf out right now. I miss mya n the rest of the group.shit i dont know what to do. I hope.i get out of here soon.


A police officer and a man comes to ray's cell and opens it.

Officer: looks like u have a roomate tonight steps in and the officer closes the cell and walks away. Ray just stares at him until the man finally sits down. Silence filled the cell.

Man:what are u in for

Ray looks up

Ray:i got arrested for something i didnt do

Man:*laughs*thats what they all say

Ray:well i aint they... Im telling the truth

The man lifts his shirt sleeve and there was a bandage on his shoulder and there was blood bleeding through

Ray:what happened

Man: my brother shot me few days ago


Man:we never saw eye to eye so he shot me and it turned into a shoot out. I blacked out because i hit my head and when i woke up my brother was shot up so i left n they found me so here i am


Man:i know...all tht happened over a girl too tho...anyway whats ur name

Ray:im ray

Man:im jared but u can call me kingy


Kay:so Q used to be latasha's ex n the elder bro of kingy n dollar Q is a bartender but also a dj who knows the omg girlz...i dont get it

Roc:Q is the dude whos doing this

Prodigy:maybe using star to mess stuff up

Princeton:but what does that have to do with ray...why not latasha...or prodigy

Kay:but star n Q dated

Roc:so they working together?


Just then rocs phone starts ringing


Deziree:where are u

Roc:im at prods house

Deziree: well come to my house... please

Roc:bae i(GCO)


Roc:fine ill be on my way

Roc hangs up n gets up

Roc:aye i gotta go

Kay:i guess i do to

Princeton:yea me too we'll finish this tomorrow..what time is it


Prodigy:aight see yall tomorrow then


kay drives in her driveway. She goes inside and turns on the tv. She showers and throws on some pjs and lays on her couch. She checks the time on her phone and its 7:55. She dials a number


Kay:hey. Its kay

??:hey kay whats up

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