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"they were mean, cruel people. I hope there roting in hell." I can hear the rustling of fabric and low mermers, before the judge asked my aterny how I plead. "She pleads insanity sir." I stand up at him confused. "Wait just a minute, I'm getting charged with murder just for protecting myself against my abusive foster parents? That makes no sense!" I look at where the judge supposedly was. "You killed two people little girl, and you have no proof of abuse." As he says this I start to shake with rage. "No proof? NO PROOF?! Those idiots took out my eyes, and do you not see the cuts and bruises that litter my body? Or do I have to show you my palms where I was caned, or possibly the wip marks on my back." I had started to yell and before I knew it I had blacked out and it took over, When I woke up I was covered in blood and in a forest and the sent of blood is in the air. I stand and almost run straight into a tree, I stick my nose in the air and sniff. The sent of blood is thick but not thick enough to cover up the sent of other beings and the smell of smoke. I start to walk through the forest making sure I don't run into any trees, soon I made it to my destination I ran out of trees so I walked around blindly untell i ran into a wall. The thud was very loud and made my head hurt."ok.... that hurt." I start to get up only to get pounced on. We rolled but I somehow still ended up on top, I was about to rip out the juguler but stopped with my hand on the neck. There was a formilior smell on her it smell on her, I lowered my head to the crook of her neck and inhaild deeply. She smells like my birth mother, pancake batter blood and lavender. I pull my hand from her throat and let my hand travel up her face and to the one thing I remember about my mom, the pocket watch in place of her eye. As soon as my hand grazed the cold glass she grabbed my wrist, I tilted my head and spoke one word. "Mommy?" She went ridged and stiff. "Who are you?" At the sound of that voice my head snapped up in the direction of the voice. It repeated it's self untell i answered. "My name is Natalie." I heard alot of gasps and a few whispers. "T-toby! Get your ass down hear, you waffle loving good for nothing son of a bitch!" That was my mom's voice I gasped and backed up a little at her out burst and use of language. Then the same mysterious void as before spoke up. "Clockwork calm down your scaring the girl, sally take Natalie inside and lend her something to were and get some food in her belly while me and clockwork go deal with toby." I hear a little girl voice, she sounds a little bit older than me. "Ok daddy. Come on." The last part was directed at me, so in instinct I put my hands out and fallow the voice running into a person or two. Soon sally got tired of me running i to people, so she led me into the house and into a room. I hear the rustling of cloth, before she grabes me again and pulls me into what I can only assume is a bathroom. I hear water start to run and after a while sally helps me out of my Jack and to small night gown, sally then helps me into the tub and starts to clean me up. She started to wash my back when I hissed out in pain, sally stops rubbing and does what I dreaded, she looks at my back. I hear an audible gasp before sally starts to call for her daddy, when she did I instantly brought my knees to my chest. I soon feel a big cold hand on my back I flinch and wimper In pain, I'm shushed and the sponge is gently rubbed against my skin before I feel water rush down my back. I'm rinsed off and helped out, sally towels me dry and helps me into a robe. "Sally before you get her food take her to Dr smile so he can take a look at her back." As he said that sally took my hand and started to lead me down a maze of coradors, before we entered a room that reaked of antiseptic. "Dr smile? you in hear?" Before long there was a reply. "I'm in the back sally dear." It was a strange voice yet also familiar. "My my, what do we have here?" I hear the voice really close to us. "This is Natalie, daddy told me to bring her to you her back is hurt really bad." "All right, I'll see what I can do." With that I'm led to a metel bed and the robe is peeld away from my upper body.
{Time skip}
After dr smile fixt my back he lead me to the kitchen where sally was making sandwiches, and after we ate she led me into a room that I haven't been in yet. All I smell is pancake batter blood and lavender, I smile I'm in Mommys room. I then feel someone grab my hand and pull me into a hug, the person smells just like the room so I already know who it is I smile happily and drift off into sleep in my Mommys arms.
I know I suck at spelling, so sue me.😒

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