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   "papa!!" then i yell this my papa turns to look at me. "papa, i made you a crown." i cling to his pant leg. i barely reach his knees, but i still have a lot to grow.

   "oh! thank you dear." he kneels to where i can reach his head, i giggle and taking his hat i place it on my head and put the flower crown on his head. when he stands he picks me up and sets me on his shoulder.

   i giggle and hold onto his bald head to make sure i don't fall. "papa whats uncle slenderman making for dinner?"

   "well i don't know, why don't we go ask him?" as he says this i feel a presinse behind use. i tern just as papas tenticals shoot out of his back and wrap around the hand reaching for me. "joey, go see uncle slender ill be in in a minute." he lifts me off his shoulders and sets me on the floor.

   "hmmm, ok." i smile and dash into the kitchen. "uncle slender what are you making?" as i ask i pull out the step stool me and sally use if were hungry or looking at whats on the burner.

   he looks to me and his tentical comes out to help me with the step stool. "i'm making ravioli....."he stops and looks at the door. "joey wheres your father?"

   "hes talking to uncle offender." i look up with a smile.

   he growls and turns the heat down on the stove. "come on lets go stop world war three from starting."

   as he picks me up his tentical puts the step stool away. "ok, lets go." doing a fist pump i axadintly punch his chin. "oops, sorry uncle slender."

   "its fine," he rubs his chin. "lets just find your dad." when we enter the living room daddy is pined against the wall and uncle offender is against him their mouths touching. "offenderman!" i whimper slightly and cover my ears. "what in zelgos name do you think your doing?!"

   he brakes the kiss and looks at uncle slenderman."he wouldn't let me have the kid so i'm doing what i want per usual."

   with that he goes back to kissing my papa. uncle slenderman is yelling and at one point uncle trenderman shows up. but he starts yelling at uncle offender too. next thing i know is im no longer in someones arms but on the ground and uncle offender is across the room knocked out and papa is on the floor looking dazed and breathing heavy.

   "joey are you ok?" i look to uncle trender and smile.

   "why wouldn't i be? hee hee."i go over to papa. "are you ok papa?"

   he smiles. "ya, i just need to go see tiffany for a bit. trender can you watch her for me?"

   uncle trender nods. i hear a growl behind me and when i look uncle offender is sitting up and looks right at me his face is black and blue.but when his face turns to me i see fear contort his face and he disappears. i shrug and went with uncle trender. 

(tiffany is the house sex-slave offender dosn't like using her. he prefers incest.)

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