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I look out the window of the living room it's huge, and there's lots of flowers. My head snaps towards the door and I rush to hide, I look from my hiding place and see a little girl a little older than me the family looks around the little girl smiles and starts to chase a willow butterfly. Verry poisenis and the house is infected by there poisenis powder and if they start to swarm say bu buy. I walk out with a letter opener and look at the family the butterfly's are starting to swarm the poison doesn't effect me. Soon she family is dead. I laugh but drag them out side to the river and dump them in. I then look towards the forest and see a flash of white run through the forest. I shrug it off and go back inside. The next few days there was a cop, asking if I knew anyone by the name of Rachel or jack. I shake my head, he then asked if my parents were home. I told him my mama was on a business trip and I had no clue who my daddy even was. "can I search the house?"when he asked I tryed to hold back my snickers. " Look officer, I know your just trying to do your job but I know my rights and without a reasonable reason you can't search someone's home with out a search warrant. So no, no without a warrant." With that I went back inside and tended to the flowers. I hear the car drive off but then there was a knock on the door, I sigh and look out the window. there's three boys, and there heavely arm'd the one with the gogeles is twitching ever so often. This is not good, I have to hide. I can't take all of them on at once, I'll get pummeled. I run upstairs and hide in the play room, it doesn't have allot of flowers but it does have enough hard toys to use as ammunition. The one with the girly mask opens the door to the room, I sit in the middle and look at him when the door opens. I pretend not to see him and go back over to the door, I pass him in the process. After closing the door I lock it and then go over to the kitchenette and starts to cut up a carrot. The boy looks at me them walks over to me like I'm a wild animal, that will run at the first site of danger. A floorboard creaks, I look up and smile at him and offer him a seat. "Have you come to play with me?" I ask looking at him. He rubes the back of his neck before shakeing his head. "Then why have you come to my doll house with your friends?" I ask lying through my teath. He seams to freeze. "D-d-d-doll house. No way this is a real house." He instantly jumps from his seat and rushes to see through the window, I cast a glamour over the windows and it looks like the house is just a doll house sitting in the grass. He trys to open the window but the glamour makes that impossible, then I hear the doorknob jigel. Then there's shouting, the next thing I know is that the door is kicked off its hinges. I look up in horror. "You broke my doll house! Now I'm really mad." My eyes went from bright green to dark green almost black. Building blocks started to flout and when I pointed at the boys they were herald at them. Not long after I had them knocked out I used duck tape and tied them up. "Bella, what did you do this time?" I looked behind me and see my uncle, jeff the killer. "I'm gonna make them into dolls, as punishment for braking my doll house." As I say that I hold up the knife I was going to skin the masked boy with. "Oh blue Bell. You can't make these three into dolls, slenderman would have your head." I put on my pouty face. "But uncle jeff what use are they to slenderman?" As I ask this uncle jeff chuckles. "There his proxy's, very important to him. Anyways why don't I take you to go see your dad?" I instantly start to smile, and nod. "Ok then let's go." I go to grab his hand. "hey kid! You forgetting something?" I look back at the taped up proxy's, I sigh but cut them free anyways. After some walking in the forest we come to a mansion, the three boys bolt for the door. On the steps is a man and slenderman. We walked over to them and Jeff told me that the man is my father, lui and his counterpart Sully. We go inside and I'm almost takeld to the floor by Toby. I step away and he faceplates into the door jam. Everyone bursts out laughing except the proxy's, toby has a nose bleed so I hand him my handkerchief. In the living room masky and hoodie are telling about how they were almost turnd into dolls. "Ya, and if it wasn't for me you three would be getting stuffed right about now." Jeff chuckles as I sit on the couch next to my dad.

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