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   "Eat up Susie." I ignore my dad's request and slide off my chair to go back to my room.
   In my room i look out the second story window, wishing to be anywhere else but this stupid apartment. Why does my mom have to have joined custody off me? Why can't I just be with grandpa zelgo or aunty stripes when she's at work?
   A knock on my door. "Go away!" The door opens anyways and in pops the head of my older half sister.
   "Dad says you need to come back and finish your dinner." She sheepishly uses the door as a berrior as if afraid I'd lash out at her.
   I roll my eyes. "Well both know that's not happening, your dits of a mother over cooked the stake practicly ruining it."
   "She didn't ruin it she cooked it to medium, rare is bad for you. Mom's a diatishion, so she knows best on what should go into someone's body."
   "True, but I'm not some baby, I'm eight years old. My mom told me something cool happened to her on her eighth birthday and that it'll most likely happen to me too, and when it does I'll be able to go live with her permanently with non of this joint custody poop."
   "You know the court will never allow something like that? anything else that would make you wanna live with your crazy young mom?" She looks at me like I'm a complete idiot that doesn't know what I'm talking about.
   "Ya, no over cooked stakes and pasta for breakfast."
   And here comes the 'she needs to be institutionalized' look. "Whatever are you gonna come eat or not?"
   "Na, I think I'm gonna turn in early." Standing up I move to the closet to get some clothes but not for bed.
   "Ok, I'll tell dad. Night." she turns and closes the door, getting dressed into something a little more my speed I dress myself pulling my hair up into a messy ponytail. turning the lock on my door before slipping out of the third floor window and start balcony hopping.
   The sun is going down and since I skipped dinner, I'm a little hungry. Maybe I can find something to eat while exploring.
   "Over the river, and through the woods to grandpa's house we go~." I skip through the woods not caring if I'm quiet or not. I'll know the second someone sees me, and if someone tryes to attack me ill telaport somewhere else. Do I know why? Nope. Do I know where I'll end up? not a clue.
   Soon I come to a large fallen log and since it's to low to the ground for me to go under it and I'm too lazy to go around I start to scramble over it.
   And before I know it I'm tackled to the ground and for some reason I didn't telaport.
   "Get off me your heavy." Saying this I start to struggle and wiggle out from under the person on me. After a successful escape attempt I realize the person that fell on me is bleeding out and that he actually smells really tasty.
   Soon I feel myself getting taller as pain resonates from both my skull and back. But I don't cry out I do nothing but look at the body before I fall apone it like a ravines animal.

   When I'm done my hair is shorter and I have what I think is a mask on as well as clothes that would infuriate any father

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   When I'm done my hair is shorter and I have what I think is a mask on as well as clothes that would infuriate any father. I also smell more blood, with a growl I take off in the direction it's comeing from letting my nose lead the way I stop just short of a camp site where maniacal laughter can be heard theirs blood everywhere but that's not what draws me closer it's the one wearing the blood that I spot first and i launch my self at him. he screams when I land on his back and cling to him like a monkey, that is until he grabs my neck and throws me away from him and I end up taking the blood soaked garb with me.
   "What the hell?!" He looks at me like a chicken with two heads and then sees his hoodie which I am now sucking the blood from. "Hey that's mine!" His face contort into one of rage as he tryes to grab it from me but I jump back a good six feet and he stumbles to the ground.
   "Hey jeff?! You ok over their?" my head turns twords the voice and I drop the jacket and jump on my oldest friend. "Oh shit, hello." Liu stumbles back before falling to the floor.when he's stable he grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me back before his face lights up and he hugs me back. "Susie it's been ages howev you been kid? And when did you get so big?"
   I giggle. "I got big about an hour ago, and I've been good. I'm looking for mama or grandpa, have you seen them?"
   Liu thinks for a moment before nodding. "Ya your mom's at slenders place not sure about your paps thoe."
   I nod and reluctently detangeled my self from him. "Thanks, I wave before darting off farther into the woods. My small wings tucked securely behind my back.
   As i go deeper into the woods my eye site sharpens as do my hearing and smell. Soon I make it to mr.slendermans mansion and look through the window till my eyes land on momma and mr.slenderman in his office
And lucky me to window is open. So I just jump in through it and land with a small thump.
   Slenderman looks shocked if anything while momma just looks at me confused. "Susie? When did you get so big, and why aren't you at your fathers?"
   All I do is shrug before leaning against the window sill." Dads girlfriend killed the stake and demanded I eat it so I left. Oh and how this happend? Some one fell on me and ended up bleeding out and due to not eating dinner I eat them cus I was hungry."
   Slendermans face palms before rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Susie you should go down to the living room while your mother and I finish talking."
   I just nod and head downstairs where I run into Ben, dark link, and the proxys. Masky and hoodie nod at me while Ben hands me a controller, dark link pats his lap offering me a seat but I declin and sit on the floor next to Ben. When I was close to winning toby came in and tried to hug me but I firmly place Ted a foot against his face keeping him a decent distance from me at i wooded Ben's but at black ops, super mario cart, and super smash bros.
   When Ben rage quits dark grabs me by the waist and pulls me onto his lap as he puts on a TV show, why can he not take a hint I may be in a teen body but just cause I had my growth spirt doesn't mean I've grown big kid feelings for him.
   "Daaaaaark, let me go." As i struggle in his grasp I feel something start to poke me In my back and for some reason that shocks me enough to telaport somewhere I never though I'd see. Offendermans room, and let's just say the look he gave me when I woke him up to let me out due to the lock being way out of my reach was far from comforting. "Sorry I'm not good at controlling where I telaport." He just grunts ruffling my hair and going back to sleep. Momma said something about him being nocturnal like a bat. Oh well time to go back downstairs, maybe Masky or hoodie will give me a snack.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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