jason the toymaker

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I look at the red that stains my fingers. 'Why do they leak red?' i dip my fingers in it again. 'Messy.' i grimiss and wipe my hand off on a dish rag. everyone called me gizmoe, that is until i took their energy supply. This is a factory that makes mechanical prostitutes, but no one wanted me and the manufacturers said that i was out dated and needed to be crushed. I find a box of gears and a bottle of glue, i grab them and walk over to a wall. Using the glue i glue the gears to the wall so that they spell my name. I walk to the computer and plug myself in, hacking it wasn't very hard. Finding the field was another problem, it took me a full three minutes to find them.I have the information i need, it's time to hunt.

When i get outside i find allot of people there are about thirty, all are holding what my motherboard called gunes. They open fire as soon as i come out, most miss but the ones that don't sting. i move my arm to protect my energy core, and rush one of them he screams but i keep going. It took about ten minutes to kill them all, at one point someone shot a harpoon it got stuck in my arm. Artef the battle i removed the harpoon blade.

'My hands are red again.' i need to do some research, oh well. I left the factory and headed into the forest that was behind it. I follow my ears to a little body of moving water. When i get there i rub my hands in it and clean the cut, after it had a little water splashed on it, it closed up. I smiled and run alongside the water, it lapped at my ankles as i run.

I stop where the stream lets out into a lacke, i then feel a strange pull northwest ish. I shrug and start off that way, running as fast as my legs will allow me to go. I don't get far before i run into something that feels as hard as a tree, i fall flat on my back. I sit up and rub the back of my head, i then look around for the harpoon spear. I find it lodged in the trunk of a tree, i groan and start up the trunk the bark scraped against the soles of my feet. I grab ahold of the spear and pull it out without a problem, getting up was the easy part getting downs gonna be tricky.

'What is it that humans say befor thay do something stupid? I believe it's yolo. Oh well, yolo!' i jump out of the tree and land in a crouch, a few feet from the tree person. I had to look up up up to see its face. 'W-what is this? No face? I thought all humans had faces, maybe there's different breads.' he's wearing a suit, and tie.

I stand from my crouch and walk over to him? My eyes clouded with confusion, and curiosity to notice his companions. I grab his tie and pull him down so we're face to face, when my hand touches his face i feel him flinch. He grabs my wrist which is tiny in his hand, i look at it confused.

"What do you want us to do with her slenderman?" i look over to see three boys maybe no older than sixteen. 'slenderman?'

"What do you mean she's not responding to the static?! You think she's imun?" this was a different voice. I do a facial scan and a voice scan, turns out the one with the pipe is masky, the one with the gun is hoodie, the hatchets are ticci toby. So this must be slenderman, there master. "Right so you want us to take her to the mansion and have the doc. Try to figure out what's wrong." slenderman lets me go and pushes me towards masky hoodie and toby. Masky grabs my hand and tries to lead me into the forest, away from where i was headed.

I shake his hand away from and take off. "H-hey!" hoodie and toby yell after me, toby gives chase the other two falling behind. "T-toby! Slow d-down!" i here hoodies voice getting farther and farther away, toby is still hot on my heals.

I turn abruptly and launch myself into a tree. "What the hell!? How'd you get up there?" as a reply i flip him off.

"T-toby! You ass hole! Why didn't you wait!?"i look up in time to see masky and hoodie burst thru the bushes.

"If i waited she would have gotten away." i watch them from my perch in the tree.

"And did that work? NO you idiot, she's in a tree! How are we going to tell slenderman?!" i shrug and leap out of the tree and to the floor, i'm like a rocket. Inlet something hits my spinal cord and another something tears my arm off, i go down hard. "You idiot! What are you thinking!? You basicly just killed her."

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