a little sappy and some are short. but most are of little girls finally finding there true home with there true family's. non of the previos kids will apear in any story that doesn't preteen to them. sorry for any missspeles.
mummy had a womb but no eggs, daddy was sterile. so im not actually their kid. mommy just got me put in her she dosnt even know my real parents. i found the papers in her fieling cabinet.
"Dabria! time to get up sweety!" my eyes open,but i dont move. i dont even want to. i asked if what i found was real if it was true, and mommy told me no. half an hour later when daddy got home past my bed time mommy and daddy talked about it im only ten but i heard the whole conversation. she had lied to me that night. when i was able to corner daddy, he lied and told me i was their biological daughter. a knock sounds at my door. " sweety, why arnt you up?"
i lift my head to look at my mom, before flopping back with a groan. "I've no will to live."
my mother just chuckles at that. "not this creature of the night stuff again. comeon, up." she pulls back the blankets my scared body becoming visible. im only ten but ive been in numerous fights when i was eight mummy took me out of public school and i took the GED test just three months later. shes not deterred by my scares tho, she pulls me into a upright position and i just fall back as soon as she let go. something falls on the floor with a thud, my mum picks it up and shows a black leather bound book with a bloody hand print on the cover.
i had found it on my desk on my last day of school, on the inside of the cover on the edge of the first page said "ill wait till your ready." its my diary.
"dabria, whats this?" her voice is angry and conserend as if i was the one to blame and that i had done wrong somehow.
"it was a present on my last day at school." i stand and take it from her placing it back on my desk grimacing at the my little pony stickers that my mom got me for my fourth birthday, she had decorated my desk with them when all i wanted to do was burn them. she had also tryed to feed me cake but i hate sweets i only like spice cake, but sometimes even that was to sweet.
a look of rage took over her face, as she stepped closer to me i couldn't help it i grabbed the key from under my jewelry box and slid it into the center of my desk. "what have i told you about accepting gifts from people you dont know!" she lets out a shriek as she jumps at me her hands outstretched reaching for my neck.
before she could reach me i lung over the corner of the desk ending up behind the woman. i deliver a sharp kick to the front left leg of my desk, a slot appeared my most precious possession popping out. my twin demon blade.
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i grab it effortlessly out of the air and watch with a board look as the woman turns to me furious at my action, her face twists into one of horror. we don't own anything supper sharp and all the knifes were locked away. this one i had gotten from a man in the mirror. he was nice and had told me about the slot in my desk.
"where did you get those knifes!?" i raise an eyebrow when she jumps at me again, normally i would jump away or dodge a blow from anyone else but this woman, this person that was trying to hurt me and she has sinned and sinners go to hell.
i merely raise my sword, she impaled herself. "a sin is that of a bad dead, and any sin can be justified reciprocated for. but with how often you lied to me, and the fact that you never even once tried to fix your sin your going to hell. its time to pay for your sin's Mary." shes struggling to breath and she is reaching for me a look of pain and fear crossing her face. i shoved her off my blade and glare down at her. i take a pose behind her and quickly bring down the blade severing her head from her body. blood spurts from her carodic artery painting the walls and floor red, but non got on my dress my immaculate white dress.
i walk to my closet and grabbed my black long jacket tugging it on i than grab the sheath at the back of the closet, i slip the blades back into their covers and secure it to my waist before stopping back at my desk. i open my diary and find my words gone and Amy Mary Jones an inch after her name was thee who lies, is thee who dies. on the other end of the page was another name but its on the same line as hers it reads mary. must be because she lied to me, i shrug father can live he had argued with his wife non stop wanting to tell me the truth. i close my book and walk down stairs.
going to the front door, in the entry way next to the door is a mirror. when i look in the mirror i see my pail skin, white waist length hair frames my child like face. but where my normal cerulean blue eyes were, was pitch black even the normal white part of the eyes were black. i let a small smile tilt my lips up but it doesn't look right, not normal.
i let my lips fall my face now one of neutrality. not that looks normal, it feels normal. i slip on my shoos and slip out of the house through the back door, ill go to the woods maybe even walk around the park.
i walk till i cant go any farther, its really dark and quiet. i walk to the closest tree and climb up to the thickest branch i could find and lay down to sleep but before i could, i hear an angered voice. "what do you mean shes not their!?" so odd, oh well time for sleep.