part 3 - OMG OMG OMG!!!

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Daniel's pov ( that's new😂)

We are sitting here for almost half an hour and I noticed that Joey fall asleep on me, I picked him up not forgetting to take his heels, I put him in the back seat of my car and drove to lily's house calling her on my way there

*** calling Lily ***

Lily - hey dan
Daniel - hey lil me and Joey are on our way to you
Lily - wait why and who you and Joey are together? He said his mom is annoying him so he is coming to my place, what do you have to do with this?
Daniel - you didn't notice that me and Joey skipped school today?
Lily - Dan you always skip but Joey was with you?
Daniel - yeah I took him to that forest at the end of town
Lily - did you took him to the " hill of kisses " ? ( of course he did!😂 )

Let me tell why it called the hill of kisses.

It's called like this because apparently if you have your first kids with someone there you have more of a chance to stay with this person, I don't believe it but it looks really cool and the view is amazing so why not take my crush there and yes I do have a crush on Joey I think he is one of the reasons that helped me realize that I'm gay, because started having fellings for him, I should probably tell Lily, that is the one thing she doesn't know yet and I think she is going to be happy about it, because anlike all of my other ex girlfriends Lily and I are still best friends, we started dating because we wanted to see if it will work, it didn't but it still didn't ended our friendship and I think that now we are closer than ever, now it's not so scary, we can cuddle if we watch a movie together, we can kiss each other on the check in the morning before school when we see each other and we can overprotect each other and we can get more emotional next to each other and we can tell each other everything, because we don't have any romantic feelings between us so it's not awkward ever

Daniel - I did
Lily - WHAT! !
Daniel - yes what is wrong?
Lily - do you like Joey? ?
Daniel - hmmmm.. yes
Lily - OMG Daniel this is so adorable! !!!!! OMG OMG OMG! !!
Daniel - omg girl stop screaming I will talk to you at your place k?
Lily - k.... OMG I still can't believe that you like him!!!
Daniel - bye Lily!
Lily - bye... party popper....
Daniel - you are funny
Lily - shut up!

*** call ended ***

I continue driving until I got to her house

Joey and Daniel are going too fast so I'm gonna slow it down..😂


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