Part 36 - dreams about my Prince

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Joey's pov

Lilly - wait so you and Daniel are back toghether?
Joey - yes, everything is fine, except everything with Taylor
Lilly - we need to do something it can't be like this
Joey - I know we just need to think about a plan
Lilly - we can do what Mark said
Joey - we could but we need to get Daniel out of this too
Lilly - true, don't worry we will figure it out

Daniel's pov

Taylor - DANNY!

Taylor screamed as she hugged me, this is acually hell...

Taylor - what's up?
Daniel - I'm bourd
Taylor - now you are not, cuz I'm here

She said smiling and winking, I already miss Joey...

She started to walk around as if she is looking for something and then I saw something bad, fuck... Joey's sweatshirt is here, he probably forgot it when he left, what if she sees it? What do I say?

Taylor - Danny! What is this?

She said holding the sweatshirt

Daniel - oh that... it's my new sweatshirt!
Taylor - Danny come on... it's pink and totally not your size
Daniel - well I like pink! And I guess I got the wrong size...
Taylor - well I don't fucking believe you, so you better tell me the truth or else!
Daniel - OR ELSE WHAT?!
Taylor - I would tell your secret to everyone
Daniel - fine..... it's Joey's... you don't let me talk to him so I couldn't give it back ok?
Taylor - why didn't you throw it away?
Daniel - why would I? It's not mine and I could totally give it back! You just don't let me...
Taylor - ok... but I better not see any other clothes of his you get it!
Daniel - yes....
Taylor - good, now let's watch a movie

*** a few hours later ***

It's almost 8 pm and Taylor FINALLY left and honstly this day was one of the best days but one of the worts days at the same time, I'm happy me and Joey are back together but all the time with Taylor was horrible, she made me cuddle with her which I tried not to get so close but she just wrapped herself with my hands and we just stayed like that for the whole movie, she thought I was just really enjoying the movie and the time with her but in realty I was thinking about Joey the whole time, I looked back at the time we spent today and I just couldn't hide the smile.

After a fwe more minutes i heard my phone ring and i looked who is calling, my love, Joseph.

Joey - hi danny!
Daniel - hey beautiful boy
Joey - did she left ?
Daniel - yeah
Joey - what.. what were you doing?
Daniel - i didn't kiss her if that's what you are asking, you get all the kisses
Joey - good, but really what were you doing?
Daniel - we were watching a movie but I was thinking about you all the time
Joey - I was thinking about you too
Daniel - by the way you forgot your sweatshirt
Joey - oh, did she saw?
Daniel - yeah but don't worry about it
Joey - ok, so when do you think we could hang out again?
Daniel - anytime you want, we could meet up at Lilly's or something
Joey - ok, I'm going to bed
Daniel - are you at home?
Joey - yes
Daniel - really? I thought you didn't like to be there
Joey - my mom said she missed me
Daniel - well maybe now everything will be ok with your family
Joey - I don't care as long as you are with me
Daniel - don't worry about that, I'm never leaving you
Joey - I love you Daniel
Daniel - I love you too
Joey - ** kiss **
Daniel - ** giggle ** goodnight cutie


I was laying in bed, trying to fell asleep but my thoughts got in the way, I was just thinking about a lot of things and none or them helped me fall asleep so I decided to think about something happy, something that i love..... Joey.....


lilly - wait there is still one friend of mine you should meet
Daniel - ok
lilly - oh there he is, JOEY! COME HERE!

And then at that moment I saw the most beautiful boy I have ever seen, my lovely, amazing, beautiful boy, joey...

Joey's pov


I heard Lilly call my name and when i looked at her, I saw next to her was sitting the prettiest of them all, my sexy, awesome, and beautiful boy.... Daniel...


I slowly got more close to his face and he did the same, until our lips meet for a sweet and short kiss...

Daniel's pov

He got closer to me and then our lips meet, giving me the most amazing feeling ever.... I love this boy....

Joey's pov

I love this boy.....

Joey and Daniel pov ( dont know how it's possible but go with it)

After that i finally fell asleep, dreaming about my Prince....

Hi guys me Back ! Thanks for all the love and support❤ hope you enjoyed this chapter😊


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