part 37 - ENDING!

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Sorry if there is mistakes😅

Joey's pov

I woke up the next morning, surprisingly with a smile on my face, all the sweet dreams from last night made me smile, I got my boy back and my mom was acually happy to see me! She said she wants to talk to me today before school, I wonder what she has to say?

I got out of bed and got ready for school, I'm not wearing what I want to wear but I still like it, I know I shouldn't be assumed of how I choose to look, but I'm sick and tired of getting punched in the face every fucking day, especially when Daniel can't protect me.

So today I'm wearing just a normal dark pink t shirt and black shorts, i dont have time to dress up today I just want to hear what my mom has to say.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs, I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom standing there drinking her coffee.

She looked at me with a worm smile, that's a first since age 15.

Mom - good morning Joey

She said looking at the ground, I did the same

Joey - good morning....

Then from no where she started crying.

Mom - Joey.... I'm sorry, me and everyone, we all hurt you, I know I don't deserve it, but please forgive me

What do I say? I mean I love my mom I really do, but she did hurt me, a lot....

Joey - can I go to school and think about it? And we'll talk when I'll get back?
Mom - sure.... have a good day

She said smiling, I smiled back and walked out the door, seeing Lilly in her car waiting for me.

** at school **

I was sitting in class, it's my second period and I'm board as fuck! I'm still thinking about what my mom said this morning, and I don't know what to say, but for sure I can't think I'm this hell hole, so I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom, she said yes and I got out the class.

I walked around and ended up at the part of the school nobody goes to, it feels kinda scary here, I started walking around and saw that the door of the supply room is open, is a girl crying in there? Should I help her?

I walked into the room and looked around, there is no one here? What the fuck? I turned around to get out but the door was close, I walked to it trying to open it but it's locked! How will I get out? I tried to open it again but I couldn't, I got really nervous and tried harder.

Xx - hallo joey....

I turned around and saw Taylor standing there, the fuck?

Joey - open the door!
Taylor - why would I? So you can go fuck with my man again?

Then she took out a knife, and fucking stabbed me in my leg and I scremed! I fall down on the ground holding my leg trying to stop the bleed.

Joey - OH MY GOD! why?!
Taylor - oh my god you don't get it do you? Daniel is MY man but you just always seem to get in my way, so the only way for him to be mine IS to get rid of you!
Joey - ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE! Are you going to kill me for a boy?!
Taylor - the most perfect boy! The boy I want and you keep taking away from me!
Joey - even if you kill me, Daniel will never love you!
Taylor - how do you know? Anything can happen!

Crazy bitch!I have to get out of here, I need to go to the hospital! I'll die! But how will I do that? Think Joey think!

I know! Everytime she doesn't look I'll text Lilly, there is no way she is not on her phone, I just need to wait I for the right moment.

Then from no where, I heard a loud noise from the other side of the room, Taylor went to check what it was, yes! I can text Lilly now.


Joey - Lilly!!!
Joey - HELP!
Joey - I'm in the supply room!
Joey - WITH TAYLOR! !!!
Joey - please help meeeeeee!
Joey - !!!!!!!!!
Lilly - what the fuck?
Lilly - on my way!
Joey - come here quickly !
Joey - PLEASE!
Lilly  - running!

*Done texting*

Taylor - the fuck? There is nothing there !

She turned around and I put my phone away just in time


she said and made a Hugh cut on each of my wrists.

Taylor - if you die it will end, and why are you even complaining, you do this to yourself all the time!
Joey - no like that!
Taylor - oh! There is a way to cut your arms? I didn't know!

She said and smiled an evil smile.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

Taylor - how the fuck?
Taylor - *whispering* don't dare to make a noise.

She took one of the buckets that were on the floor, and she unlocked the door, Lilly walked in and Taylor hit her on the head making her fall and pass out.

Taylor - did you thought you can be saved?

She said walking closer to me, leaving the bucket on the floor.

A few seconds later i saw DANIEL standing behind her! He walked closer to her, taking the bucket and putting his finger on his mouth basically telling to shut up.

He lifted the bucket up and hit Tayloron her head making her fall, he pulled her up, putting her hands behind her back so she won't run away, after all of that happend, Daniels mom and a few more teachers got there, one called an ambulance and miss bitch called the police.

I started to feel dizzy and my vision become blurry, then everything went dark.


I woke up and Everything was white and bright, after a few more seconds my eyes got more used to the brightness and now I'm able to see where I am and what is around, I'm on a hospital bed, there is bandages around my wrists and around my leg.

I did up and keeped looking around, then from No where the door opened and the person standing there was no other than, daniel...

Daniel - Joey thank God! You are awake! Oh my God I was so worried

He said running to me crying, he hugged me tight and then pulled away, I have him a little kiss a then a nurse walked in.

Nurse - I see you are awake, how do feel?
Joey - I'm ok
Nurse - good, we took care of all the cuts, you need to Stay only 2 more days for check ups and then you will be able to go home
Joey - ok thank you
Nurse - your welcome Joey

Then she walked out

Joey - how is Lilly?
Daniel - better, everything is good with her, but she is sleeping right now, so you will talk to her later
Joey - ok, thank you for saving me
Daniel - I'll always save you
Joey - I always feel so bad, I always get you into trouble, it's like I'm your problem
Daniel - you are not a problem....

Guys that's it! The story is over! I'm so happy but so sad at the same time! I loved writing this story and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it! Thank you for all of the support on this book and the others, I love each and Every one of YOU❤ and I'll see you in the best story ( wink ) byeeeeeeeeeee!

Btw - I'll  make a epilogue tomorrow.


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