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Aww. The actual final chapter is HERE! Kinda sad, actually. Thought the song, I'll Never Fall in Love Again, seemed appropriate while I was writing this chapter. Anyways, read on and enjoy!



Two weeks later...

I stood in the middle of my bedroom with my suitcase. I was reminded of the time I had to leave England. Even though I've experienced so much pain here, it was somehow worth all the good memories I had here with my friends and relatives. I just wish I stayed away from the one person who obviously wanted to ruin me... and succeeded.

I checked my phone. 10 a.m., it read. My flight was at one so I had to leave now. I wheeled my suitcase out of my room, feeling really upset.

None of my friends even stopped by to say goodbye.

Then again, our last talk wasn't that pleasant.


Three days ago...

"Are you sure you're leaving?" Sara asked, looking as forlorn as my other friends around the cafeteria table where I told them the news.


"What about school? Your fare back to Europe?" Belle said, putting on a straight face, but I could see she was also bummed over the whole thing too.

"I already passed my withdrawal form. My grandma signed it for me, and she agreed to keep it hush-hush. The school thinks I got permission from my parents, so it's all good," I shrugged. "As for my plane back, my father gave me 'back-up' money since I moved here, and it's enough for me to—"

"Wait," Drake slapped his hand on the table to cut me off. "Basically, you're running away... back home?"

"You make it sound like I lost my marbles," I rolled my eyes. "I got it all worked out. Don't worry."

"How can we not worry?!" Katia frowned at me. "You've been acting weird lately.  Who knows, you might not even plan to go home to England. I'm not going to support you. I'm sorry."

"Belle?" I looked at her. She shook her head. "Valerie? Danielle?" Both looked guiltily at me and averted their gaze. Same went for Drake, Sara, and Josh.

"Fine," I stood and glared at them. "Honestly, I've never liked this place. I've always wanted to leave."


I wiped a stray tear and grabbed my other bags. I whistled for Puppy Alex to come so I can put his leash on. "We're going home, okay?" I said to him. "Hopefully, everything will be better by then."

Knock! Knock!

Now, the thought of someone visiting me right before I leave America was heartwarming, until Puppy Alex was starting to struggle and bark madly at the front door. I stiffened and tied Puppy Alex to the leg of the coffee table. I hesitatingly made my way to the front door and tried to calm my heart because the flat was starting to heat up and grow smaller.

Seeing who it was from the peephole, I sighed in relief and opened the door. "Belle," I said, "thank—"

"Don't get me wrong," Belle interrupted. "I'm still not into this idea of yours. But I guess you do deserve a proper goodbye."

I teared up. "Belle!" I wailed like a baby and hugged her.

Belle tensed up in my arms. "No hugs please," she said. "I'm not a hugger. I didn't skip class just to get hugged to death."

I let her go. "Right," I said, grinning and wiping my snot and tears. "I'll miss you guys. Tell the others I'll miss them too. I didn't mean... I didn't mean those—"

"We know," Belle said. "Did you really think we believed your anemia story?" She followed me inside the flat and sat on a couch, staying clear of Puppy Alex who was eyeing her carefully. "Anna," she began, "we're your friends. You can tell us your problem. You don't have to run away."

"Actually, I do need to go home," I said, sighing. "This thing I have can't be solved by just a talk."

Belle looked at my intently, urging me to continue.

"You see..."


I sat in the boarding area with my luggage and reviewed my papers — boarding pass, passport, Puppy Alex's permit to board the plane, everything. I was beginning to feel a lot nervous, but also quite relieved now that at least one of my friends understood why I had to run away to go home.

"Anna... I really don't know what to say. I'm sorry. I understand now. I guess you really do need a hug," Belle moved and made an attempt to hug me. It was a short, awkward one that would have rivaled Voldemort and Draco Malfoy's at the Battle of Hogwarts.

In the middle of letting a little girl scratch Puppy Alex's ears, a buzz came from my pocket. Keeping a close eye on Puppy Alex in case he bites the cute little blonde, I opened my phone and saw a video sent to me.

It was Drake, Sara, Josh, Danielle, Valerie, and Katia all smooshed together to fit into the phone screen.

"Are we rolling?" Sara called out to the person holding the camera.

"Yep," Belle's voice rang out, and a thumb popped out right in front of the screen.

"Anna, we just want to say..." Sara began.

"Belle told us everything..." Drake followed.

"We're also sorry..." Josh said.

"We understand too..." Danielle smiled weakly.

"We'll also miss you..." Katia added.

"And also..." Valerie said.

"Take care of yourself and get well soon," all of them, including Belle, chorused.

Blinking back the tears that were threatening to fall, I tucked my phone away and smiled. "Thanks, guys," I whispered. Then I proceeded to grab my luggage & Puppy Alex and began heading my way to the boarding plane.

I'm going home.



Damn. What a journey. Anyone wanna guess what the sequel will be about? Other than Anna getting better... Also, what happens to Alex now?

Since school started, updating and posting the sequel will be back to its (extremely) slow pace. Sorry bout that.

Anyways, thank you so much for reading the first book(?), loves. Feedback is greatly appreciated. Tell me what you thought/felt during the entire story.

'Til next time, loves. Mwah.

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