3. Diva

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Chapter 3

Later that day when I got home, Grandma and Maria were watching their usual afternoon soap opera.  I never got the point of soap operas.  The plot always seemed to contain some kind of scandal, someone dies, and then that person comes back to life somehow in the next season.  Totally confusing if you ask me.

"Hello, sweetie," Grandma called from the couch where she and Maria were sharing a carton of ice cream. 

"Hey," I said, walking up behind her on the couch and giving her a kiss on the cheek.  "Change of plans for tomorrow.  I am going out...with some friends."  Hopefully she didn't hear my slight pause.

"Oh, okay," she said, nodded, not taking her eyes off the flat screen.  "I was going to tell you that I've got a charity auction to go to tomorrow night and Maria has the weekend off.  I was going to tell you you were going to be on your own for dinner."

I shook my head.  "I'll be fine.  We'll just grab something to eat when we go out."

"Good," she said, still not taking her eyes off the soap opera.

Smiling, I went into the kitchen to grab a Sprite from the fridge and walked toward my bedroom.  I had a lot of work ahead of me if I was going to be playing for five hours straight tomorrow night at Sam's party.

You would think that spending an entire afternoon and the morning and afternoon of the next day just playing around with music would be boring, but it really wasn't.  Not when you were as into it as I was.  It took a while, but I finally had everything for Sam's party on my Mac and ready for the night by the time that I had to start getting ready. 

When I got out of the shower, I wrapped a towel around me and put my hair up in one before I walked out into my bedroom.  Just as I was about to pull out underwear and a tank top to up on before I changed into my DJ Masque clothes, there was a knock on my door.

"Hold on a moment!" I said, and quickly put my clothes on before opening the door to see my grandma.  I smiled at her.  "Well, you're looking pretty good."

She grinned back.  "This old thing?" she asked, looking down at the red evening gown she had on.  "It's been in my closet for ages just waiting for the right moment to come out."

I laughed.  "I'm sure," I said.  "So what's up?"

"I'm heading out.  My car's here so I just wanted to tell you goodbye and to be careful when you went out tonight," she said. 

"I will," I said.  "You have fun, too, but don't spent too much money."

She rolled her eyes.  "Like I'd ever do that," she said. 

At that, I had to laugh.  "Do you remember that diamond and ruby necklace you bought for...How much did you buy it for again?  Five hundred thousand?"

She dismissed me with a wave of her hand.  "That was my night to splurge.  Plus it was my birthday," she said.

I laughed again and leaned toward her to give her a hug.  "I'll probably see you in the morning.  I'll be home late, but don't worry."

She nodded, pulling back.  "Just text me if you decide to stay over at one of your friends places."

After a few more minutes and a yelled goodbye from the front door, I was finally on my own.

I went to my closet and to the back where I had all of my DJ Masque outfits.  My grandma never came into my closet so she didn't know about my clothes. 

Feeling a little daring, I pulled out one of my more risqué outfits.  It was a see-through black lace top that came off the shoulder, a purple sequined bra, short black shorts, my fishnet stockings, and a pair of black heels.  And because it was kind of cold outside, I grabbed a black pea coat just to cover up and be warm. 

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