15. With You

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Chapter 15

I never would have thought I'd be spending my eighteenth birthday sitting in an airport waiting for my plane to start boarding.  I never would have thought that my boyfriend and my friends would have apparently forgotten my birthday either, since none of them texted or called to tell me 'happy birthday'.  I mean, it was my eighteenth birthday after all.

Graduation had gone just like every other graduation went.  Boring speeches, the throwing of the weird hats at the end, and tears.  Lots and lots of tears.  They were mostly from Tally and Ashleigh, who were hugging the life out of me right when we tossed up our hats. 

Everyone went out for an early dinner afterward.  Sam came over after just so we could have some alone time to spend together since it was my last full day in the city.  We didn't even really talk.  We just laid there on my bed next to each other. 

And now I was sitting in one of those uncomfortable seats, just waiting to get on the plane where my wide, leather, first class seat was waiting for me.

I didn't let my grandma come with me to see me off.  I didn't want to be crying like a baby when I got on the plane, leaving her behind.  I don't think she wanted to be crying either.  I mean, we'd been all each other had for the past twelve years and it was going to take some getting used to not being together. 

I checked my phone every few minutes, just wishing for a text from Sam or anyone else.  I usually got a 'good morning, beautiful' text from him every morning, but I didn't even get that.

Sighing, I leaned back in my seat.  But just then, my phone pinged, signaling me that I got a text.  It was from Sam.

Hey, beautiful. 

I sighed and texted him back.  Hi, what are you doing?

Texting you. 

Haha, I know that, dork.  What are you really doing?

It took him a moment to text back.

Looking at you.

I smirked.  No, you're not.

Look up.

Heart pounding, I looked up and my eyes met his across the terminal.  He was standing there in his jeans, white t-shirt, and leather jacket, smiling at me.  Grabbing my carry-on bag, I started running toward him, a smile stretched across my face.

When I got to him, I jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms and legs around him.  He held me tightly for a minute - I could feel everyone's eyes on us - until I unwound my legs from around his waist but kept my arms around his neck.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, smiling up at him.  "I don't even think you're supposed to be in this area if you're not boarding a plane."

Sam leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips.  "I came to tell you happy birthday," he said, smiling.  "I couldn't do that over a text!  That wouldn't have been very nice.  Plus, I wouldn't have been able to give you your present."

My eyes widened.  "You got me a present?" I asked.  "You didn't need to get me anything."

He nodded.  "You'll love this, though," he said, unwrapping my arms from around his neck.  "You're actually getting three."

I raised an eyebrow.  "Three?" I asked.

"Yes, but this one first," he said, digging around in his pocket and pulling out a medium-sized black velvet jewelry box. 

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