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*3 years later*

"Maddy come on sweetie we gonna be late" I shouted up the stairs.

"I can't find my other shoe" she said looking at me from the top of the stairs

I looked up at her standing there her dark blond hair tied neatly in a ponytail she was the splitting image of Jon just with blond hair.

"It's probably under your bed, move quickly we gonna be late" I said as I walked into the living room picking up my handbag and phone, I looked at my phone seeing I had two missed calls from the prison and three missed calls from Jon's parents.

I sighed out putting my phone in my bag taking note that I'd ring them back once I got Maddy to pre school, I looked up seeing Maddy walking in "I'm ready" she said pointing to her shoes.

"Good cause we gotta go" I said picking up her pack off the floor handing it to her.

Maddy runs over to the picture of Jon and I from our disastrous wedding day and kisses it like every morning telling Jon goodbye.

Maddy hadn't seen her dad since she was nearly two, I hated taking her to visit him in the prison so I stopped , I was truthful with her I told her that daddy was naughty did something really wrong so the police told him off, Maddy asked if he was sent to his bedroom and I said not his bedroom but a police officers room and has to stay there for a really long time.

Jon ended up being sentenced to four years, it was better than I expected but this final year was dragging more than anything.

I dropped Maddy off at school driving to work, I stopped working at Jeffery's and I got a job at a fashion boutique because the money was better and after what happened between Jeffery and I things became rather awkward.

Living in this town was hard for me I was like the focal point, everyone always spoke and pointed at me, I was the girl who was abused by her teacher, who slept with her teacher or the girl who married her teacher or the new one the girl who married her drug dealer.

After Jon got arrested it was that hard to walk down the street that I actually considered moving and I still am considering it.

Jon's parents offered to help find me somewhere near them but I felt awful selling the home that Jon bought for us so I've held off.

I got on with my day when the door opens and in walks Jon's mom, I looked at her surprised.
"What are you doing here?" I asked her wondering why she would drive two hours just to buy a new shirt.

"We have been ringing" she said reminding me of the missed calls

"Oh shit, sorry you just reminded me" I said covering my mouth "is everything okay?"

"It's Jon" she said looking at me.

I looked at her worriedly wondering what had happened at the prison.

"His coming home his being released" she smiled with excitement nearly jumping up and down.

"No way" I grinned "when?" I said resting my hands on her shoulders.

"Three o'clock" she said.

"I've got to pick up Maddy from school"  I sighed.

"Her granddad will do it" she pointed to the window and I saw Jon's dad outside "let's go collect your husband"

I finished work an hour later and met Jon's parents at my house, I then drove to the prison and waited outside the gates across the road, the whole time I stood outside waiting for Jon I kept wondering why he was being released eleven months early, it seemed strange to me.

I saw Jon walking our way with a prison warden and the gates get opened, seeing Jon made my heart beat fast with nerves and excitement, I felt like I was back in the school corridors and I'd seen him in the distance.

The gates opened and Jon stepped out looking at me and I couldn't hold back any longer and I rushed across the quite road meeting him halfway jumping into his arms clinging on to him like Velcro.

I pulled away looking at him tears fell from my eyes Jon used his fingers to wipe them from my cheeks.

"Don't cry" he smiled looking me in the eyes.

"I can't help it" I said leaning in kissing him repeatedly "I just can't believe that you are here"

Jon notices his mom and walks over greeting her before turning to look at me.

"Maddy is with your dad back at home" I informed him "shall we go see her?"

"Fuck yeah" Jon nodded with a grin opening the door of the car.

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