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I was asleep cuddled into Jon a few hours later when I felt something crawling up the bed I looked seeing Maddy, I looked at the time seeing it was one fifteen in the morning.

"Hey monkey what's up with you?" I said moving closer into Jon pulling the cover back for Madison to get into bed next to me.

"The noise woke me up" she said laying down next to me.

"What noise was that?" I asked in a whisper looking at her laying her head on the pillow next to me.

"The car outside momma" she said closing her eyes "the big car" she added.

I sit up wondering why there was a car outside our house I get out of Jon's grip climbing over Maddy who looks at me.
"Stay with ya daddy" I said quietly before walking around the bed heading for Maddy's bedroom.

I walked in hearing the faint sound of a car engine, I walked over looking out the window seeing a black suv parked outside.

I couldn't get back to sleep after so I laid there watching both Maddy and Jon sleep before getting up when the sun started to rise.

I went downstairs making coffee for Jon before getting some breakfast stuff out for Maddy unsure what she would want.

"Your up early?" Jon said walking into the kitchen "why's Maddy in with us for?" He asked me

"A car parked outside our place last night woke her up, I thought she dreamed it till I went and checked, she wasn't, there was some black suv there" I said sitting down pouring some orange in a glass for myself.

"A black suv?" Jon questioned me.

"Yeah was parked outside our house" I said taking a mouthful of juice.

"See anyone in it?" Jon asked me walking around me so he could get himself some coffee.

"No it had blacked out windows" I replied as I thought about the car "why you so interested for?" I asked him looking over my shoulder to him.

"Huh, oh no reason babe" He said turning around kissing my head "I'm going to drop Maddy of at school today then head to the gym, I heard there's a job going there" he said from behind me.

"The gym you seriously wanna work there?" I said surprised.

"Peyton I'm not going to be picky, I got you Maddy and a baby to think about now" he said leaning over me rubbing his hand over my tummy "it can't be any worse then teaching you" he added.

"Hey, I was a good student" I said with a chuckle.

"Really?" He said sitting down "what makes you think that?"

"Well for starters I gave you added extras that no other student gave you" I smiled before biting down on my lip causing him to nod his head in agreement

"Yeah I will let you off" he chuckled before taking a mouthful of coffee.

*jon's PoV*

I dropped Maddy at school and I headed for the gym where I spoke to them about the job they had going, I was totally honest about my past and surprisingly they gave me a interview there and then and told me I'd hear from them by the end of the week.

I left the gym rather pleased at how it went they said I was in with a good chance of getting the job, I walk to my truck feeling like things was actually starting to work out for us, job new baby when someone calls me.

I turn around seeing Oscar, a guy that I was in prison with, he was my cell mate, he was leaning on the wall of the gym smoking a cigarette.

"Hey" I said surprised "what you doing here" I asked as he walks my way.

"I heard you gotten released" he said stopping a foot or two away from me pulling out his carton of cigarettes offering me one but I declined it.

"Yeah" I nodded "surprised the hell outta me dude, but it's good I'm back with my girls that's all I wanted"

"Yeah how is the misses?" Oscar asked me.

"Good" I nodded "we just found out that she's pregnant, its early but man I can't wait" I said with a smile.

"Congrats dude" he smiled throwing his cigarette on the floor "listen I came here because I messed up and I've heard talk"

"Look what ever it is I'm not interested" I told him going to open the door of my truck.

"Well it involves you" Oscar said "and your family" hearing them words made my ears prick.

"What about my family?" I asked him as I turned to look at him.

"I know why you got released early" Oscar said causing me to look at him intrigued.

"Go on then tell me" I said shifting impatiently on my feet.

"About a month ago I got caught stealing a car" he said starting to explain "I know I was stupid I had only been out of prison for like two months. I knew that if I didn't give them something good I'd be going down for years so I helped them out with something"

"So what's this got to do with me and my family?" I asked him confused

"Because I remembered what we talked about when we was shut in our cell, I gave them information on what they wanted" he replied causing my eyes to go wide "also I have my own informants it didn't take much"

"What did you do?!" I asked him sternly, panic was setting in my stomach, I was already aware that something wasn't right hearing Peyton mention the black suv parked outside ours.

I stare at Oscar who just stared at me I grabbed him by the scruff of his top throwing him against my truck holding him tightly "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!" I shouted angrily in his face.

"Jake Casco, his son Elliot, I set him up his locked up doing time" he said as I had him pinned against my truck hearing him say that caused my grip to loosen "there's talk, Jake thinks it's you who set up Elliot, he thinks you did, so, so you could walk free, his after you!"

"You set him up? So you can save your own ass!" I spat angrily.

"Your a deadman walking Jon, I came to warn you so you can get out of town, take your family and run"

"Where the fuck too!" I snapped "wherever I go they will find us, do you know what they will do to my wife and kid if they get hold of us!" I spat staring him in the eye anger was building in me "Peyton is pregnant for Christ sake!"

"I'm-I'm sorry dude" Oscar stuttered.

"I'm going to kick your ass if you don't get out of my fucking sight" I said throwing him angrily across the floor, I watch Oscar land with a thud onto the floor "get the fuck outta here dude" I said watching as Oscar panics getting up running over to his car getting in.

I get in my truck and I sit there watching Oscar drive away, I hit the steering wheel in anger, what the fuck was I going to do?

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