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Ten days later I woke up feeling so tired like I hadn't slept in a month, thankfully for me Jon was around to help get Maddy to school.

I walk downstairs tying my hair up seeing Jon with Maddy getting her ready for school, Jon turns around looking at me as I walk to the cupboard getting a cup so I could pour myself a coffee.

"Someone looks like crap today" he said as watches me take a mouthful of the coffee.

"Thanks" I giggled "but Yeah I feel it, think I'm coming down with something" I replied pulling a face at the coffee that for some reason tasted really weird "there's a really nasty bug going around I've probably picked it up"

"Take the day off" Jon suggested "I'll drive Maddy to school you go back to bed and I will come join you when I get back"

"As amazing as that sounds I can't, we need the money" I told him truthfully "but I will take you up on the offer of dropping Maddy to school"

I went to work feeling totally washed out and myself and Kyla one of the other girls that worked there started unboxing a new fashion line that had arrived, I stopped huffing out swallowing hard feeling like I was going to vomit.

"Everything okay?" Kyla asked me as I yawned.

"Yeah I just woke up feeling extremely unwell today, I feel so tired" I yawned again.

"You got the bug that Shirley is off with?" Kyla asked.

"Guess so" I muttered picking up the box walking into the store so I could start hanging up the items.

"Maybe you should go see a doctor?" Kyla suggested.

"No I will be okay in a few days" I replied "all I need to do is go home and sleep and I will be fine" the thought of sleep sounded like the best idea ever.

After work I sat in my car I rested my head on the steering wheel resting my eyes for a few minutes before trying to find it in me to drive home, I then thought about what Kyla said maybe I should see a doctor or a nurse.

I picked up my phone ringing Jon I explained to him that I was just popping to my dads and I will be home as soon.

I arrived at my dads and Debi's place and I knocked on the door and Debi
answered the door with a surprised look on her face as she wasn't expecting me.

"Hey" I smiled "I just need a quick word with you" I said as I stood there

"Sure come in" Debi said inviting me in.

"Dad around?" I asked looking into the living room.

"No his out getting food" Debi replied "so Peyton what you need to chat about?"

"Medical advice, I'm not feeling to good" I said sitting down on the couch looking at Debi who sat in the chair.

"How long you felt like this?" Debi asked.

"Well yesterday I felt a little off, but today I woke up feeling totally exhausted, I feel like I've not slept in a month" I explained "it's probably nothing, guessing it's this bug that's going round" I added as I sat back in the couch.

"Any nausea?" Debi questioned me.

"I felt little earlier" I replied looking at her "why?"

Debi looks at me giving me the look and I shook my head at her

"Peyton you and Jon had a lot of catching up to do" Debi grinned.

"Yeah and we have been careful" I informed her staring into space it then hit me full blown in the face "shit!" I said getting up rushing out the living room to the front door.

"Peyton what is it?" Debi asked me rushing after me.

"I don't know yet" I said opening the door running to my car getting in.

I drove to the nearest store and I went in buying a test I looked at it as I went to the check out remembering the last time I had one of these in my hand was when I found out I was having Maddy.

I paid and went home I walked in smelling cooking the smell instantly made me feel rather sick but I walked into the kitchen with a smile on my face seeing Maddy and Jon cooking dinner together.

"Hey" I smiled at them both "what you doing?" I asked

"Fixin dinner" Maddy replied from where she was sitting on the kitchen counter "daddy is cooking pasta"

"Pasta" I said walking over seeing what Maddy was doing, her helping consisted  of her eating tomatoes.

"I told daddy cook your favorite but he said he will mess it up" Maddy said putting another tomato in her mouth

"How you feeling?" Jon asked turning around giving me a kiss.

"Okay" I smiled though I was dreading the fact that I'm probably standing there pregnant.

After dinner which I tried to eat for the sake of Jon and Maddy putting in a big effort to make it I cleaned up, after I told Jon that I was going for a bath and could he get Maddy ready for bed which thankfully he agreed to do.

I went upstairs taking my handbag with me and pulled out the test looking at it again, I went to run the bath changing my mind deciding to take the plunge and do the pregnancy test.

I do the test putting the cap on it leaving it on the side timing three minutes in my head as I paced up and down the bathroom.

After when I thought three minutes was up I look at the test seeing it was positive, I stare at it in shock mentally punching myself in the face.

I had been sat on the edge of the bath staring at the test for a rather long time when Jon appears at the door.

"Monkeys in bed" he informed me as he looked at me "thought you was having a bath?" He questioned me.

"I was but I got distracted" I said holding the test in my hand, Jon looks at me with a frown appearing on his face "I'm pregnant" I said looking at him.

"What how? How this happen?" Jon said in shock walking in taking the test out my hand looking at it.

"Well the first night you was back we didn't use anything" I reminded him "guess you hit the spot" I shrugged.

"Hey I definitely hit the spot" he said chuckled smirking at me.

"Yeah just a little to well" I said standing up walking past him into the bedroom not liking his lame effort at making a joke.

"So how do you feel about this?" Jon asked me.

"Feel like shit baby" I said truthfully "we was stupid for doing what we did, but we did it and look I'm standing here knocked up"

"Yeah things got out of hand" Jon stated "so what you wanna do about it?"

"I don't know" I shrugged "last time I checked we was in no position for another baby"

"I will get a job, I've been looking" Jon said coming across as if he was trying to convince me to keep the baby "we can do this Peyton, everything will work out" he said stepping to me pulling me into a hug "our luck has to change at some point right?"

I nodded my head cuddling into him the thought of having another baby scared me shitless, but like Jon said everything will work out and our luck has to change at some point hopefully us having another baby will be the answer.

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