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I picked up Maddy from pre school as Jon texted saying he had a interview which I was pleased about.

I put Maddy in the back of my car strapping her in seeing something out the corner of my eye in the distance, I stand up straight squinting looking up the road seeing a black suv parked up the road.

I get in the my car driving Maddy home taking her inside not thinking to much about it.

Four o'clock hits and Jon arrives home as I'm preparing to make Maddy some food

"Hey monkey where's your momma?" Jon asked Maddy.

"Kitchen" Maddy told him I hear footsteps from Jon as he gets closer.

"How did the interview go?" I asked him

"Yeah good, there going to ring" He said not really wanting to talk about that "hey babe I need you to stop what your doing and come sit down" Jon said as he watched me cutting up some cucumber. 

"I'm doing Maddy some food give me five minutes" I said looking over my shoulder at him.

"No baby you need to sit down right now I'm not joking!" Jon said sternly spinning me to look at him. 

"Jon what the fuck!" I shouted in shock looking at him wide eyed looking down at the knife in my hand.

I pile up the cucumber on the plate next to the sandwich I made Maddy handing it to Jon "take that to Maddy then we will talk" I said as Jon takes the plate from me.

Jon walks back in as I'm cleaning up.

"Thought we was going to chat?" He asked me as I'm tidying up.

"We will geez" I muttered wondering why the hell he was getting so worked up.

"Peyton for fuck sake!" Jon yelled grabbing me pulling me backwards using his arm to knock everything off the counter that was in front of us knocking it to the floor causing me to jump out of my skin.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked him calmly though deep down I was extremely concerned.

"Look listen to me baby" Jon said stepping closer to me but I stepped back as the state Jon was in scared me slightly. Jon stops knowing I didn't want him any closer and huffs out "listen I'm in real trouble baby, I need you to take Maddy get out of town go to one of my brothers if you have to but go"

"What the fuck have you done?" I snapped at him.

"I've done nothing but it looks like I have" Jon tried to explain to me "as I was released Jake Casco son was arrested for a drug deal, he was set up, they think I set him up"

"Who's Jake Casco?" I asked as I never heard the name before.

"His the highest you will come across,  his the big deal, the leader, what ever you want to prioritise him as, you don't mess with him" Jon said as he starts shifting uneasily on his feet.

"His dangerous?" I questioned Jon who nodded his head at me "how?"

"He will kill you and Maddy to get to me, his after my blood" Jon said, hearing Jon say that to me freaked me out "I need you to leave now"

"I'm not leaving you" I said to Jon firmly.

"Peyton your not thinking straight" Jon said grabbing me getting me to look him in the eyes.

"No Jon your not, fuck, I just got you back, and now your asking me to walk out that door knowing that I might never see you again" tears filled my eyes at the thought.

Jon looks at me and the tears built up and so did anger and I lashed out starting to hit him "how could you do this to us!" I screamed at him, I knew Jon hadn't set up the guy but I was aiming at him getting involved with these guys again in the first place.

"Hey hey sssh" Jon said getting control of me as I cried out into him "I can't lose you" I sobbed into him.

I managed to talk Jon into letting me stay with him only on the one condition of if it got bad I took Maddy and I run.

We put Maddy to bed and Maddy didn't seem right at all but I put it down to being tired.

Jon and I was cuddled up on the couch when I hear footsteps on the stairs Jon looks over seeing Maddy coming down the stairs
"Back to bed Madison" he told her.

"I don't feel well" she said causing Jon to jump over me going to her.

"Fuck Peyton she's red hot" he said causing me to get up I feel her forehead then the back of her neck.

"Okay there's medicine in the left hand cupboard, that should bring down the temperature" I said watching Jon walk into the kitchen getting it out the cupboard.

I look at the bottle seeing it was nearly empty "there's only enough in here for two doses" I said looking at Jon.

"Stay here I will go" Jon said going to grab his jacket.

"No you stay with Maddy, Ring Debi get her to come check her over, I will drive to the store grab what Maddy needs I will be back within the hour" I said leaning in kissing him.

"I don't like the idea of you going on your own" Jon said as I walked away.

"Look I will be fine" I said grabbing some cash and my keys "ring Debi get her here and I will see you in an hour"

Jon walks over kissing me as I closed the door and I drive quickly to the store, I arrived and I walk to the medical aisle looking at the different types of medicine picking up a box.

I stopped looking at the baby products smiling to myself knowing it wouldn't be long before Jon and I would have to start buying them again.

Out the corner of my eye I saw a guy looking at me I looked at him for a second before turning my attention back to the stuff in front of me, I felt him watching me and I realized it was time to go, that's when I started to quickly make my way down the aisle heading to the checkout.

The guy followed me as I walked i quickened my pace heading for the checkout seeing another guy watching me he looks to the guy behind me that's when I realized I was in trouble.

I run through the checkout heading for the doors running out hearing security alarms go off as I leave the store, I run heading for my car only to get grabbed from behind causing me to scream out dropping what I had in my hands.

"Got ya" the man said in my ear "there's someone expecting you"

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