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I pulled up outside my dads seeing his car parked on the driveway and considering it was a Saturday I had a feeling he would be at home.

I get out walking to the front door knocking on it, even though I had a key I had stopped using it over the past few years especially when I walked in seeing my dad walking down the stairs naked after a session with Debi, I realized that it was to risky with Maddy getting older.

The door opens and my dad looks at me smiling inviting me inside.

"This is unexpected" he said closing the door behind me "just got back from the store fancy a soda?"

"Yeah sure" I said following him into the kitchen.

He opens the fridge handing me a can of soda getting me a glass "so where's Madison? She got a play date or something?" He asked.

"You could say that" I said sitting down at the table looking at my dad leaning on the kitchen counter "she's with her dad, Jon got released yesterday" I informed my dad who looked at me in shock.

"He had eleven months to do" he said in shock.

"I know" I said nodding "but he was released yesterday afternoon" I said again.

"They wouldn't of released him without good cause" my dad pointed out.

"Yeah and Jon hasn't gotten a clue as to why he has been let out" I replied "his in the dark as much as we are"

"So Maddy is with her dad?" I nodded my head at my dad "I can't believe you have let my granddaughter be around that low life!" My dad said sounding totally pissed.

"Dad!" I said in total shock "that low life your referring to, his my husband his mine and Maddy's family"

"Like I said Peyton, a few weeks after Jon got arrested no one in the whole world would of blamed you for divorcing him, you said it yourself Jon asked you to move on" my dad reminded me of what Jon told me at the police station.

"That was never a option in my eyes" I replied "dad, you're going to have to except Jon as part of the family, if you can't do it for me then do it for you granddaughter" I said standing up "just remember there was a time you and Jon actually got on, he made a mistake but we all make them it's called being human"

I start making my way to the front door feeling as if this conversation was done
"Princess" my dad called causing me to turn and look at him "you need to be careful, the guys Jon was involved with, they can't be messed with, something don't feel right to me"

"I will be fine" I said looking at him "you don't have to worry about me"

"I do everyday" my dad informed me.

I looked at him nodding before leaving.

I arrived home before Jon and Maddy and I decided to use the time to do stuff that needed doing, I went upstairs and changed the bedding on mine and Jon's bed before doing the same in Maddy's.

I went down stairs putting it in the wash hearing someone knock on the door, I went and answered it seeing Jon and Maddy standing there.

"Forgot my key" he said walking inside greeting me with a kiss.

Jon walks into the kitchen as Maddy finds the telly buttons turning the telly on.

"Have fun?" I asked Jon as he unpacks the stuff he bought at the store

"Yeah" he said turning to look at me "I just realized how fucking much of a prick I've been" Jon said with a sigh "she's amazing and I missed out on her growing up" Jon said closing the kitchen cabinet throwing a pack of condoms on the side in anger.

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