Chapter 1

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     *Sarah's POV*

        Today was the day, today was the day Niall left me exactly 3 years ago. When this day comes around I just mope around all day in sweats and a tank top, eating ice cream and cry or just watch a bunch of sad romance movies and play sad music. Everyone know not to mess with me today, or so I thought. "C'mon Sarah you can't just lay around all day crying over Niall, I know he hurt you by not keeping in touch or talking to you, but you need to show Niall you moved on, and that you are not weak, you can't give him the reaction he wants, if you do he going to think he's more powerful than you and we both know that's not true." my friend Caity said. "Caity I thought everyone told you to leave me alone today because of the whole Niall thing, and I can't move on Caity he was my everything, right before he left me I started to develop feelings for him, but I never got to tell him, I was going to tell him the day he told me about x-Factor but i'm glad I didn't it would have been even more of a heartbreak."i said.

      Next thing I know I was thrown off my bed and pushed into the bathroom, I screamed as loud as I could "CAITY!!!!" "take a shower, get dressed and brush your teeth Sarah, cause we're going out." I groaned and whined "but I don't wanna go out!!" "Sarah stop acting like a 2 year old and do what I told you to do." "fine if it will get you to shut up" I stripped out of my clothes and started my shower, the water was blasting hot but I didn't care, by the time I got out of the shower my skin was as red as a tomato.

    When I walked out of the bathroom Caity had laid out my clothes for the day I'm glad she had some courtesy and picked something comfortable, which was a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeve camouflage shirt since it late fall and chilly outside. Once I was dressed I walked out my bedroom door and saw Caity and my sister Brittany standing there waiting on me. "where are we going?" I asked, "I thought we could go to a shooting range and then go to the Williamsburg Outlet Mall" Caity said. "sure that sounds great, just let me go grab the guns" I said. I went in the cabinet where we keep the guns and grabbed 3 handguns, I handed one to Caity and one Brittany, I grabbed the car keys and walked to the car. everyone hopped in and we drove to the shooting range.

      Once we got there we got our guns and walked in and started to shoot at the targets, on my first shot I got a bullzie Brittany and Caity were whining on how I supposedly 'cheated' I just said let's go to the mall now. we all put our guns and started to drive to the mall. We turned on the radio to K95 and they were playing Stay by Florida Georgia Line

if I told you I loved you would it make you wanna stay

I'm sorry for the way I hurt you, and making you walk away

but if I wrote you a love song, and sang it to you everyday

would it ever be enough to make you wanna come back home and stay

I was thinking of Niall the whole time his smile, his laugh, his kindness, our friendship. Apparently I was thinking to much about Niall because I started to tear up and cry a little bit the next thing I know Caity turned off the radio and turned to me and said "Stop thinking about Niall or your going to cry" I wiped away my tears and Caity changed the radio station to Q94 then I heard Niall's part on More Than This

If im louder, would you see me

would you lay down, in my arms and rescue me

'Cause we are, the same

you saved me, when you leave it's gone again-

Brittany turned off the radio and put on her MP3, but of course she's a directioner so all we heard was one direction music, now don't get me wrong I'm a directioner too it's just when Niall has a solo I tear up a bit. Summer Love came on and Niall was singing, of course

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