Chapter 3

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*Brittany's POV*

   I thought Niall loved my sister and now he slaps her, what is wrong with him. if Niall is going to be abusive towards Sarah then I won't let them date each other. After the little outburst between Sarah and Niall, Sarah locked herself in her room, I feel really bad for her she loves Niall but Niall pushes her away. when Sarah told all of us about Niall and Ashley I was ready to flip on him but Harry held me back.

    Speaking of Harry we have been really close lately, and I don't even realize it but we are always with each other, we sit next to each other, go to places together, we always flirt without realizing it. I didn't realize it to now that I have feelings for Harry and I think he has feelings for me to. I wonder who Caity likes I mean she's always with Zayn but Louis and Liam have a close on her. whenever she's alone they race to her side for company.

   Wow Caity look at you. 2 guys fighting for you, i'm so proud>

*Harry's POV*

     Brittany, Brittany, Brittany, that's all I ever think about now, Brittany and I are always with each other. I mean I know i'm a flirt and all but when i'm with Brittany, I always mean every word I say. She knows i'm a flirt but she doesn't try to impress anyone, she always acts like herself in front of everyone. Even if the president wanted to meet her she would still act like herself.

  That's what I like about her, So here I am stranding outside of her bedroom door. We might have only met for a day but this sleepover is going by very slowly, which i'm happy about. I knocked on Brittany's door, she answered and smiled, "Hi Harry" she said. "Hey Brittany" I said and smiled back at her. "So Harry what brings you to my bedroom at this hour of the day" she said we walked into her room and sat on her bed. "Umm well I-I wanted to know if you would umm-uh-I-uh-" Come on Harry spit it out why are you so nervous. "C'mon Harry spit it out I don't have all day" She giggled, my god she has the cutest little giggle. " Uh right you see Brittany I wanted to know if you would do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend. So Brittany Carter will you be my Girlfriend?"

    She gasped and smiled, "Of course Harry I'll be your girlfriend!" She wrapped me up in a huge hug, I immediately hugged her back And smiled. "Thank god I don't know what I would've done if you said no because I like you a lot, whenever you're not with me I feel lonely, you're like my other half, everytime we touch I feel sparks." I said. "I feel the same way Harry, and I like you a lot too" She smiled. I stared into her eyes and then looked at her lips then back up at her eyes. I started to lean in so did she, And we kissed. this might sound cliche' but I felt fireworks going off when we kissed.

   We pulled away and smiled, my lips lingering for more, my lips were tingling from the kiss. "Wow" she said. I chuckled "Wow indeed, did you feel it too?" I asked. "yeas I did and now my lips are tingly" She said. "Same here" I said. I stood up she gave me a confused look, and rose her eyebrow. I put my hand out she grabbed it and we walked hand in hand down the stairs into the living room.

   I am so happy to be able to call Brittany Mine.

  I'm starting to get a little worried about Niall, he's been gone for an hour. I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts until I saw Niall I hit the call button. it started to ring after about 3 rings he picked up, "Hello?" "Niall mate where are ya i'm getting worried please come home I promise ill protect you!!" I said really fast. "Woah Harry mate calm down i'm on my way to the house now i'm just down the road, I had to clear my head from all the drama. But now I know what to do." he said "And what do you need to do exactly?" I questioned. "Well you curly-haired fool i'm now single cause I caught Ashley cheating on me with Josh, so-" I cut him off " Woah woah woah hold up Josh as I our drummer Josh Devine?" "Yep any ways i'm going to get back Sarah because I have finally faced the truth, and the truth is that Sarah is my princess, she always was but I was too stupid too realize it but now I do and i'm going to make things right." he said I walked outside on the porch. "Look mate you can't slap her and then ask her out because that's not how things work, I know it was an accident, And Sarah said it was too. But she has locked herself in her room now"

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