Chapter 9

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*Niall's POV*

   After i yelled at Sarah i left the house, i went home and grabbed a bottle of vodka; i decided that drinking would resolve my problems. But instead the alcohol worsened them, i cried for hours wishing that Sarah would trust me again. i regret ever leaving her, i should've stayed with her forever. But then she would have been even more upset because she would want me to chase my dreams, i am finally living my dreams but Sarah is also one of my dreams.I am not complete without her, without her im nothing, without her im useless, without her i am not me.

   About 2 hours later all of the alcohol in the house was gone. all the wine, vodka, beers, champagne, everything GONE. i drank way too much and im sure im going to regret it when i wake up tommorow morning. Before i knew it everything went black and darkness consumed my body....

                          * THE NEXT DAY *

      I slowly opened my eyelids and was immediately blinded by the brightness of the sun, my throat burned and my mind was fuzzy. Everything that happened last night is all a complete blur, I lifted my head up slightly and immediately fell back down. My head is throbbing against my skull, I wish I didn't drink that much last night because this is going to be one hell of a massive hangover. I again lifted my head and no matter how much it hurt I turned my head to look around me. I was on the couch in the living room and the boys were sitting on the other couch in front of me.

    I couldn't read their expressions very well but by the look in their eyes they looked disappointed and upset. They just stared at me and all of them shook their heads at me, "What on earth were you thinking mate?" Louis said to me. I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a squeak, I pointed my finger at my throat and Zayn passed me a glass of water and some pain killers for my head. I gulped down about half of the glass and put the pain killer in my mouth and swallowed it.

    "Thanks mate." I told Zayn, he simply nodded his head towards me. Louis then repeated his question towards me, "What were you thinking mate?" I looked I lowered my eyes and stared at my hands, I shrugged my shoulders. I honestly don't know why I drank so much last night, "Don't just shrug your fucking shoulders at me!!" Louis snapped. "Woah Lou calm down" Liam quietly said to him. Louis' face was red with anger, but he crossed his arms over his chest and shut his mouth.

      Liam turned his head to me and gave me look, "Niall....Do you know what could've happened if you drank more alcohol?" I shook my head and he continued, "You could've got alcohol poisoning and you could've died" he said with sad eyes. All of them had sad eyes even Louis and I instantly felt guilty and sad. "I'm sorry guys....I'm so so sorry." I said. Zayn spoke up, "If you're so sorry Niall then tell us what all happened last night that made you drink so much." My eyes slightly widened and a lump formed in my throat, I tried to gulp it back but it stayed in place.

     "I-uh-it-uh-I" they all rose their eyebrows at me, but before I could speak Caity came storming in through our front door, looking pissed as hell. She looked at me and I instantly got scared, her face was very red, but Zayn said, "Caity he is telling us what happened so take a seat and listen please." she sat down and I cleared my throat and tried speaking again. "uh last night when I went inside her house to give her clutch back to her, I uh saw uh-" "You saw what" harry asked. "I walked into Sarah's room and I didn't see her so I thought she was In her bathroom but the door was opened and I saw her....with a razor and cuts....she cut herself..." I trailed off, they all gasped but Louis had a look of horror in his eyes.

   "What did you do?! How did you react?!" Louis asked really fast. My eyes started to sting once I remembered everything. "I just looked at her an-and yelled and screamed at her...I yelled why didn't you tell me. All she told me was to quiet down an-and I screamed at her that I would not calm down because she cut herself and that she doesn't tell me anything anymore...she started crying....tears just kept trailing down her face and she quietly begged me to stop but I kept going....I threw her clutch at her and I stormed out her house..." My eyes were watery and a couple tears fell down my face

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