Dasiy's Disappearance

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The sound of birds twittering woke Bonnie up and she felt great. She could tell that today was going to be a good day. She ran down stairs and saw her mother making porridge and Marcus setting the table for breakfast.

"Mornin' Mum and Marcus."

Bonnie said as she walked over to help her mother bring the bowls of porridge to the table.

"Good morning Bonnie my love."

Her mum said cheerfully.


Marcus sleepily said.

"Where's Dad?"

She asked her mum.

"He is tending to the plants and vegetables outside,"

She responded.

"Go call him in for breakfast."

Bonnie ran outside and shouted,


He started to walk over and he said as he passed her,

"Mornin' to ya Bonnie."

"Mornin' Dad."

Bonnie responded as he patted her head. They all gathered around the breakfast table and started to eat. Her Dad ate quickly because he had to go back and tend the plants and vegetables, and her mum was always taking her time, whilst her brother was making a mountain of honey on his porridge, he was so silly. After breakfast she went back upstairs to take a shower and get changed in her favorite long sleeved blue and white striped dress and brushed her sleek ginger hair. Then Marcus and Bonnie went outside to milk the cows, collect eggs and help out their Father. They had two types of cows at their cottage, highland cows and just plain old cows. Bonnie preferred the highland cows because she they were fluffy.


Bonnie and Marcus started with the chickens. They grab all the eggs and popped them in the basket and they brought them inside.


Next Bonnie and Marcus had to milk the cows which was quite difficult but over the years she got really good, she had the skill of a milkmaid.


She went inside got her waist apron and started to make lunch, this morning her Dad caught a fish, a large male salmon fresh from Loch Bonnie. Bonnie season it and started a fire to cook the fish.

"Mum, Dad, Marcus, Lunch is ready!"

She shouted out the door. They all sat down and this time they all ate at the same pace and talked about Bonnie getting a job as a milkmaid. Her Dad was a fisher as well as a farmer and they were still not making enough money. They kept saying if she had a job as a milkmaid they would have enough, or they might have to sell one of the cows or horses. Bonnie silently agreed even though she didn't want to be a milkmaid, she had bigger ambitions in life.


Last thing Bonnie had to do was clean the horses stable and then she had freedom for the rest of the day. Honey and Shadow had a baby foal and Bonnie called her Goldie because of her beautiful gold hair that shimmered in the sunlight.


Finally Bonnie finished all her duties, she lay on the grass and looked over the loch taking in its beauty.

"Bonnie, will you go exploring with me?"

Marcus asked her.


She said excitedly. They walked down to the loch and started to skip stones on the water. Bonnie managed to get seven skips and Marcus five, a new high score for him. They then went back up to play with the highland cows, when their Dad call them for dinner.


Today her Mother made haggis, neeps and tatties, Bonnie's favorite.


She went back down and rolled on the grass with Daisy, she was only a month old and was as silly as Marcus. Then Bonnie went for a horse ride and about an hour and a half later dark clouds start forming and a clap of thunder shook the ground.

"Bonnie, Bonnie, can you bring all the cows into the barn! It looks like a storm is coming!"

Her mum shouted with a worried tone.

"Okay Mum!"

Bonnie shouted back and got down from Shadow, the horse she was riding, and put him back. Then proceeded to herd the cattle and counted them all but, one was missing, Daisy.



She ran to the house and asked her family if they had seen her but they all said that the last time they saw her she was with me. Rain started battering the windows and the wind started screaming with rage, the sky grew darker and Daisy was nowhere to be found. Bonnie turned around and ran out into the storm to find her...

(A/N Hiiii, I would just like to clarify Haggis is sheep lungs, heart, liver, a bunch of herbs, spices, onions, oatmeal and other vegetables all copped up and mixed together. Then all that delicious goodness is then put in a sheep's stomach and boiled. Now they don't really use stomach anymore but an artificial bag, similar to a sausage. Neeps are mashed turnips and Tatties are mashed potatoes. It's traditional Scottish food and how they would refer to it. I would just like to thank you again for reading my story and please give me feedback it will help so much. Thanks )

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