A Ride in the Rain

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Bonnie's POV

We trotted out into the rain, which was now even stronger, Shadow and Warrior started trotting up the hill.

"Do you want to explore town again, or go on a complete new adventure and go up that hill over there!"

I excitedly shouted to Wallace.

"Bonnie, I think we should... go on the complete new adventure up the hill!"

Wallace shouted back grinning at me.

"Wallace? Did you just read my mind?!"

I shouted over to Wallace smiling.


Wallace shouted at Warrior as he tapped his feet against Warrior's tummy. Warrior started to gallop.

"I'm going to beat you!"

Wallace cockily shouted over his shoulder as Warrior galloped toward the hill. I was not going to let that happen.

I clicked my tongue and Shadow started to trot.

"Shadow, come on we want to beat Wallace and Warrior, right?"

I whispered in Shadow's ear and immediately Shadow started to gallop toward the hill. We were gaining on Wallace and Warrior.

"How are you going to feel when I win?"

I smirked at Wallace.

"Bonnie, you should ask that question to your self."

Wallace grinned as he and Warrior sped up again. Shadow and I quickly got on their tail and zoomed right bye them.

"Eat my dust Wallace!"

I cheekily shouted over my shoulder.

"Maybe you'll learn not to be cocky when I win this race!"

"First of all there is no dust and second, I'm not cocky!"

Wallace shouted over laughing. Wallace was gaining on me and soon we were neck to neck.

"So Bonnie, now that we are so close to the finish any one of us could end up winning."

Wallace said still looking forward.

"Well you're not going to win, at least not on my watch!"

I confidentiality shouted. We were both so close to the top of the hill. Warrior sped up and was about an inch in front on Shadow and I. Wallace was going to win, but then Shadow jumped about a foot forward toward the finishing spot. Shadow and I had won.

"Yes, I won! Shadow we won! We beat Wallace and Warrior!"

I shouted with joy to Shadow.

"So Wallace, what's my prize?"

I questioned smiling at him.


Wallace smiled as he crashed his cold wet lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his wet hair. Wallace's cold hands snaked around my waist. The hood of my cloak fell and the rain made my hair wet in an instant. We were both drenched with rain but we didn't care. We pulled away and I chuckled, Wallace was smiling he looked so dreamy. I didn't bother putting my hood up again because my hair was already soaked. Droplets of water were hanging off my nose and softly landing on my bottom lip. Droplets of water were clinging onto Wallace's eyelashes. We both burst out laughing.

"Let's go to the apple trees and eat some apples."

I smiled at Wallace, he smiled back and our horses galloped in unison toward the apple trees. When we got under the shelter off the apple trees I leaped off of Shadow and he kneeled down on the damp grass, followed shortly by Wallace and Warrior. I picked the two reddest apples I could find and took a hungry chomp out of one and threw the other one to Wallace. He smiled and munched at his apple as well.

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