Wallace's Vision

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Wallace's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night, startled I saw Bonnie lying under a huge tree in a pearly white dress in a vision a just had, I needed to go find that place. I was going to wake up Flora but she looked so peaceful sleeping there, but Bonnie was her child and she would do anything for her.

"Flora..? Flora."

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Wallace, are you okay?"

Flora asked as she sat up in the bed.

"We need to leave now,"

"I'm sorry..?"

"Flora we need to go to your cottage right now."

"Wallace, I - I don't understand,"

"Flora get dressed, I'll explain later."

I said putting on my clothes, soon we were both dressed and rushing out the door and down the stairs to the lobby. I put the keys and a little note explaining why we left on the counter then we ran out the door and hopped on the horses, they started to trot and soon we were on our way to the cottage.

"Wallace tell me now,"

Flora said as we were starting to speed up.

"I had a vision, Bonnie was lying under a tree in a pearly white dress, she wasn't hurt though and we need to check if she's still in her bed."

I shouted to Flora. She looked at me, with a look of worry on her face. We went even faster and I was so cold I could barely move my fingers.

At last we could see the cottage in the distance. We rode past the stable, straight to the front door. We hopped off the horses and slammed the door open, sprinted up the staircase and slammed Bonnie's door open, and there we saw a bed with lots of blankets but no red headed Bonnie...

"Oh no,"

I could hear Flora say, I looked over to her tears streaming down her numb face.

A/N I'm so sorry I haven't been updating this, I really should have been but I really do promise this will be done before the end of February . Love you all keep reading and I apologize again. 💗 📖

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