Wallace's Wronging

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The wind blew and threw her down the hill, her body numb unable to move, she kept rolling and tumbling down.


Her head hit the huge tree so hard everything went black for her. The wind kept throwing her around, her dress being ripped and covered in mud, if she was left for 24 hours she would freeze to death. Eventually she was thrown into a river her lower body left in the river and her upper body left lying on the mud. Her head side on in the damp grass. Her body temperature lowering every minute until she would freeze.

Wallace's POV

I didn't know how to get back to Bonnie's house so I had to look for her. I hopped on Warrior and ignored my almost fixed leg. Warrior, startled that I jumped on him all of a sudden, started galloping. I would ride buy the forest and see if I can spot Loch Bonnie. It was so dark it was almost impossible to see, but with my determination I will find her.

I kept near the forest, rain still crashing down on me, I was so cold but I needed to find her. Every so often a flash a lighting would strike the ground.


Lightning struck near Warrior, he then reared throwing me to the wet soil. I couldn't see because the flash was so bright. I lay there waiting so I could at least see the outline of the trees. When my eye sight regained I noticed that Warrior had run away and I had to go on foot. I ran into the forest and leaned against a tree. I was more sheltered. This reminded me of when I first met Bonnie. I smiled, laughed then cried. I was angry at myself for leaving her. I sat at on the wet ground,

"I don't deserve her..."

I whispered as tear started running down my cheek.


A/N - Sorry for the short chapter, and the picture that makes no sense I have to pick one so i found this for you I just needed to update, I've been quite busy so I'm really sorry but I'll try to update soon. Keep reading 📖 Love you 💕 and thanks for the 291 reads almost 300! 😁

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