Morning Mishap

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The morning sun was shining on Bonnie's face and she turned around to see Wallace snuggled up to her, he looked so handsome it was unbelievable.

"Wallace, Wallace? Wake up."

Bonnie whispered into his ear. Wallace didn't move, Bonnie couldn't blame him. He hadn't gotten good sleep for a few days, but Bonnie was impatient. She was fond of Wallace already and desired attention from him. Bonnie waited a while lying in her white nightgown staring at him longingly, until she couldn't wait for him to wake up any longer. Bonnie wedged her way closer to him and softly placed her lips on his. A shocked Wallace jumped back and opened his eyes wide.

"Sorry, did I frighten you?"

Bonnie giggled.

"Very much so."

Wallace blushed and gave her a small smile. There was a knock on the door and this time Bonnie got the fright. She remembered her family didn't know Wallace was there. Bonnie pointed towards the wall and down hoping Wallace would understand she wanted him to go under the bed.

"Bonnie, are you there?"

Her mum's worried voice came from behind the wooden door.

"Yeh, I'm here and I'm fine. I got Daisy back safe."

Bonnie replied, unable to believe her family didn't even come after her or stayed up waiting for her to come back at least. Her mother came bursting through the door and gave Bonnie a hug.

"Thank goodness you're safe! We were all so worried."

Her mum yelled with relief.

"Sure you were worried, very worried."

Bonnie said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"None of you came after me or even stayed up waiting for me! You just went to bed!"

"That is not true, your dad went out looking for you but he couldn't find you. I stayed here with Marcus, he's just a boy Bonnie."

"I can't believe Dad would just stop looking for me, what if I had died!"

"It was getting too dangerous, in fact he came home because he had gotten hurt. He felt rubbish about coming home, he was so determined to find you. Imagine if we lost both of you in the same night."

A tear rolled down Bonnie's mum's cheek and fell into her dress.

"Well, come on. Let's have breakfast, I've already put the porridge on the stove."

Bonnie's mum said sniffing and wiping her red eyes. She gave Bonnie a weak smile and hugged her again.

"I'll be down in two minutes, you go ahead."

Bonnie's mother nodded and turned to the door closing it as she left. Bonnie heard a noise from underneath her bed, she almost forgot about Wallace. She hung her head over the side of her bed and saw Wallace looking awkward.

"Sorry you had to hear that."

Bonnie was feeling embarrassed.

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