Chapter 6

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It had been a hard couple of weeks, but I was happy with my progress and I felt prepared for the big conference game in a few days. I had been feeling like I was neglecting Yanni since I became so busy with ball. I had also been seeing Shay on the low. I know what it must have looked like, but the truth of the matter was, I had started to redevelop some feelings for Shay.

It's not like I loved her or anything, but she always pleased and took care of me physically, which I really really needed. And because we had history, it was hard for me to completely detach my feelings for I knew that she loved me. I knew that Yanni was a virgin and I really respected that about her, but I had my needs too. I felt guilty, but at the end of the day, I justified it by reasoning that what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

I had gone over the pros and cons of each of them a million times in my head. It played out that Yanni was beautiful, intelligent, affectionate, and I felt a real emotional connection with her. Shay was sexy, sassy, and passionate and could make ya boy nut in under 5 minutes. Yanni and I didn't fight much, but when we did, Shay was always available to help me get my mind off of her. Shay of course had no idea about Yanni either, and I wanted to keep it that way. It was like getting the best of both worlds.

The only person who knew what was going on was my brother Tommy, and that was because he was as colorful as a rainbow and went to a different college. At first, I had a real problem with his sexuality, and when he came out to me, I didn't speak to him for a full month. After putting my arrogance in check, he explained everything to me and I was able to come to terms with the fact that he was gay. Just then, my phone rang.

"Yo" I said into the phone.

"Hey cuz, how's the Stevie J life treatin ya?" Tommy said, laughing at his own joke.

"Ha ha, real funny T. But yeah it's all good. I'm meeting up with Shay tonight" I replied.

"Shay? Umm what happened to Yanni? You know...your girlfriend??" He asked sarcastically.

"Here we goooooo" I sighed. I was getting really sick of Tommy's lecturing ass. I had everything under control, and as far as each of them knew, I was faithful as could be.

"This is all gonna catch up to you D, but don't worry, I'll be right there in the first row when they take your ass on Maury and double team you" he answered.

"Double team, huh?" I teased. "That wouldn't be the worst thing to happen...."

We both laughed, "you nasty D. But real talk, don't keep playing with fire and expect not to get burned".

"I got this" I reassured him. We said our goodbyes and got off the phone.

I sat and thought about my situation. I knew I was being selfish, but I cared about both of them and they each had things I loved about them that the other lacked. I did care more about Yanni because of our emotional bond, but she wasn't allowing me to have all of her, so I was forced to get it elsewhere. I figured as long as I could continue to keep them both happy, I could continue doing what I was doing. I just had to make sure neither of them found out and everything would be cool.


The past few months had been such a blur. I felt like I was always running around...tutoring and class here, Damien's game there. It was so stressful. This weekend was really important to Damien because it was the conference championship and if he won, the team would go on to compete in the national championship. All the scouts were going to be watching his every move.

I was planning on making tonight a special one for Damien because I knew how much stress he had been under lately. I found myself wanting to do things just to see him smile because I felt so lucky to have such a hardworking man as my boyfriend. I was going to go surprise him at his apartment tonight with a nice homemade dinner and them follow it up with a massage and a movie. I wanted everything to be perfect so he could see how much I appreciated him.

I got to his apartment around 7 and luckily, his roommate Jerell was there to let me in. As soon as I walked in the apartment, I felt Jerell's eyes on me. "You looking real sexy tonight Yanni" he said. I was wearing light washed high-waisted skinny jeans and a black sheer top with a bandeau underneath. I wanted to look good for Damien, not Jerell.

"Thanks Jerell" I replied, then went on my way to the kitchen to start preparing. Unfortunately, he followed me to the kitchen.

"When you gonna start fuckin with a real man" he said and inched closer to me.

"Jerell, cut it out" I said and tried to get away from him, but he grabbed me hard and started feeling my body. I started to cry and just as he was about to kiss me, I heard keys at the door.


"Mmmm baby, you sure you can't come back to my place?" Shay said as we pulled away from a kiss. We were outside of my apartment in her car.

"Maybe I can come for a little while" I replied as she pulled on my belt. "Just let me run upstairs and grab my charger". I struggled with the keys a bit since I was so excited and once I opened the door, I saw Jerell and Yanni kissing and was in complete and total shock. I never in my life thought Yanni would do me like that.

"What the fuck is going on here" I growled. Yanni ran to me with tears in her eyes and threw her hands around me.

"Damien! I'm so glad you're here" she sobbed.

"Get off me, hoe! I treat you like a queen and this is the shit you pull?" I yelled as I pushed her off of me. She looked devastated. And why wouldn't she be? I just caught her hoein ass all over my teammate. I had given her too much credit. She was exactly like Shay.

"Damien you don't understand...please...just please let me explain" she begged.

"Nah I'm good. Ain't shit you could say to make me want your ass. Y'all deserve each other" I said to both of them as I grabbed my charger and slammed the door on the way out.

"What's wrong baby, you look upset" Shay asked as I slammed the car door shut.

"Drive", I demanded through clenched teeth, and for once, she didn't argue.

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