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                                                                                                       DanieleWilliams:  We like food

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                                                             DanieleWilliams:  We like food

likes 10.5k comments 325:

Tagged: Sammyray


SammyRay: We be looking fly af

DanieleWilliams: SammyRay Don't we always?

DevonBostick: My favorite cuz, love ya :)

DanieleWilliams: DevonBostick , I miss you!!

RichardHarmon: So this is the cousin Devon keeps talking about ;)

DanieleWilliams: DevonBostick you talk about me ;)

DevonBostick: Back off RichardHarmon that's my baby cousin

DamieleWilliams: DevonBostick I'm older than you!



groupchat with 8 unknown and Dev

Dev what's going on, who are these people?

Dev: Just some friends of mine, everyone meet Daniele

unknown: hey this is Richard

unknown: hey it's Eliza

unknown: Lindsey

Dev you did not just do this

Dev: but I did

unknown: Ricky

unknown: Marie

unknown: Christopher

unknown: Alycia

Alycia OMHFGHGFDFGJJHFFGHJ Dev I love you so much

unknown: hello, it's Bob

Dev I love you so much, It's nice to meet all of you!

Clarkey: Same, Devon has said so much about you!

Rav my babe: It's true he always talks about you!

Lincoln deserves better: kinda creepy

Dev: is not, she's just my fav cousin

Grounder Chick: shut up Ricky let him brag about his pretty cousin

Y'all don't know what I look like though

Chrissy Wissy: show us then

Chrissy Wissy: show us then

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Chrissy Wissy: nice

Grounder Chick: hottie

Rav my babe: ^^^^

Clarkey: ^^^^

LIncoln deserves better:^^^^

Heda: wow

Bobby: oh umm, wow. You are Beautiful.

haha thanks guys, and thank you Bob

Heda: Do you hear that?

Clarkey: I think I do!

Bobby: What do you hear?

Rav my babe: the sound of the ship horns

Chrissy Wissy: I'm confused

lincoln deserves better: ^^^

Bobby: ^^

Dev: ^^^

grounder chick: Baniele


Bobby: ^^

Heda: Bob + Daniele = Baniele

Clarkey: It's a ship name you idiots.

Dev: I don't approve

Rav my babe: no one asked you..

Ouch, thats gotta hurt Dev.

Bobby: I mean I wouldn't complain about Baniele.

Gotta blast

Bobby: did I say something?

Dev: No she's just an awkward butterfly


A/N first chapter of my Bob Morley book!!! I'm excited to write this book alone with my Bellamy Blake book!

Ayvarie XXX

You Had Me at Hello // Bob MorleyWhere stories live. Discover now