Long Books

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For the people who's books have 100+ chapters, standing ovation because that's dedication right there. But honestly, why not space it out between 2-3 books, especially if one chapter has 20+ pages? I mean, sure, as an author you connect with your characters a lot, but that doesn't stop you from making as many books as you want with the same plot and characters!

For example, the Harry Potter series is spaced out between 7 books (8 if you count Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.) I mean, one book with about 35-40 chapters is totally fine, but why 100 (unless it's like a rant book/online journal)?

I honestly find it annoying when I'm reading a super good book and then scroll through the table of contents to see there's like 200 chapters when one chapter is 30 pages long. Like come on dude, we want to know what happens without all these crazy plot twists, cliffhangers and new characters!

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