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I don't like AU's, I feel like they take away the point of the fanfiction and the universe it's in, but if you enjoy them, you do you. However, most AU's are getting extremely repetitive and pointless. Take gender-bent AU's for example. Cool, now the characters are the opposite gender (although they can be non-binary or queer etc.), but the storyline is going to be exactly the same.

Ex: Gender-bent Harry Potter. So, Harry is now Harriet, Ron is now Ronda, but Harry/Harriet is still going to go through what they did in the original books unless the author decides to go in depth the hormonal changes they go through.

Coffee shop AU's were cute, but they're all the same. Character is a barista and meets love interest, they date, they fall in love, boom. End of story.

Some authors who write AU's change the characters' personality. When I was a hardcore Divergent fan, there was an AU that was still about the same world, except they just played a lot of games. But what ticked me off was how bubbly and giggly Tris was and how much she and Four babied each other.

"Aw, Tris, you looks so cute!"

"Thank you so much, babe, I love you!"

Hell, if you're going to do this, just make a whole new character with the same name, because that's what the example what.

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QOTD: Favorite game show? Not sure if it counts as a game show but I've been watching America's Got Talent since I was like 5 or 6.

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