How you Meet- Sherlock

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Sherlock Holmes
"Another dead body love?" Mary asked John as she took sips of her tea. John sighed as he glanced over to Sherlock, who was pacing back and forth with gruesome pictures in his hand. "What do you think?" John rubbed his temple. The two had been trying to solve the murder of three male victims, all with different puncture wounds but somehow all made from the same unknown weapon. "John, what if the man was ambidextrous? Left hand stronger than the right, causing the right handed wound to be down lower and more scraped than the left. No, that's not it. The last wound made is at the back left of the third victims head, which wouldn't make sense due to the obvious fact that the second swing would take place in the right hand." Sherlock continued to pace, running his hands through his curls. "Do we even know what kind of weapon the man used?" John asked impatiently. "No, but traces of metal fragments were found in the wounds." Sherlock said monotonously. John rubbed his eyes and got up from the couch. "Well that eliminates, I don't know. TWO damn weapons!" John shouted grabbing a photo from Sherlock. "Wow John, this is the most help you've given me so far," Sherlock replied sarcastically, stopping his pacing. John huffed and went back to sitting with Mary, "You know boys, if you need help identifying a weapon or wounds. I know someone who can help," Mary suggested finishing her tea. "Who?" They both answered. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."
~~Time skip to your office~~
"So this is one of your friends? Why haven't I heard of her till now?" John asked as the three walked down a long empty hallway. "You'll see in a minute." Mary said, coming to a set of heavy metal doors. "This way," Mary pulled open the heavy doors, releasing a loud drilling sound into the air. The two men came into the room, shocked to what they were witnessing. The walls were filled head to toe with as many weapons as you could think of. In the middle of the room, there was a table where a realistic looking mannequin with fake blood was being brutally drilled into the chest. The drill was being viscously punched into the senseless body, by a rather insane looking woman. This woman was you.

You stopped your drilling and lifted off your safety goggles. "Mary! You're here!" You squealed as you wiped your 'bloody' hands off on your lab coat and ran over to give her a hug. After giving your old friend a hug, you straightened yourself out and started your typical introduction speech. "Hello there, my name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N) forensic scientist and weapons specialist. To put it short, what I do is experiment with weapons or really any object, and how they can hurt people in obvious and oblivious ways. I have fake people to experiment on, made out of silicone, gelatine, and fake blood that live in my cupboard. They have fake blood near major arteries and organs so I know how a person can die in several ways that people don't even think about. So basically, I could kill you all right now in five seconds with this knife!" You exclaimed as you quickly pulled a knife from your sleeve and threw it at the wall, directly between Sherlock and John.

"Great reflexes both of you, although shorty over here was quicker actually. Were you in the military? You must be John! Nice to meet you," you smiled, shaking his hand. "Umm, yes. Nice to meet you too I guess." He glanced over to Mary who was laughing silently at the shocked look on John's face. "So that leaves you to be Sherlock then, I believe you wanted me to take a look at some wounds and figure out the case." You looked over to Sherlock, he was a quite attractive man to be honest. "Yes," Sherlock said handing you over the pictures. "You see, I hav--" Before he could start speaking to you again, you quickly flung the bloody mannequin off of the table and placed down the photographs. You took thirty seconds to look at the photos before running over to the opposite wall and grabbing a small chainsaw. "Done!" You said placing the chainsaw on the table. John shrugged at Sherlock before walking closer to the table.

"I don't get it," John said looking at the pictures, then back to the chainsaw. You suddenly had an idea. "Hmm, hold on. You three stand here and I'll use you all as models of how these guys got killed!" You grinned as the three stood in a line. "Alright so, the basics. This chainsaw is used in both hands, and it is quite hard to function for someone with only little experience. First off, we know that from the markings on the first victim. The killer probably didn't know how to use this at first, causing them to only cut across the person's throat without actually turning the saw on. But, they still managed to hit an artery." You explained as you pretended to slice across Johns throat. "Then, the next man came up from behind the killer, causing the murderer to whip around, and slice the man lower in his chest. But this time the killer managed to turn on the weapon, therefore slicing up the mans heart. So bye-bye victim number two!"

You grinned as you turned on the surprisingly silent chainsaw, and pretended to cut at Mary's chest. "Finally, third victim. Wounded at the back of the head. Now, for this direct of a hit on a tall man like the third victim, the killer must have had to climb on his back, or push him to the ground. So, I infer that as the third victim was attempting to run away, he must've tripped. The killer took her chance, and she bashed him in the back of his head." You turned the chainsaw off and went behind Sherlock, taking a quick glimpse of his butt before tapping him at the back of his head with your knuckle.
"She. You said the killer was a woman, how do you know that it's not a man?" Sherlock questioned while cocking his head to the side. "Well it's quite obvious really. This chainsaw is rather small, a man would have difficulty placing two hands around the handle since their hands are relatively larger than a woman's. Plus, it's not too often that you see a man shorter than 5"7, who isn't John over here." You laughed.

Sherlock began clicking everything into his mind, everything made sense. "Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Sherlock so speechless before," Mary giggled to John, "Yes, maybe we should come here more often." John said back.
"Please do, it can get quite lonely when all you have to talk to are bleeding mannequin people." You stated, giving Sherlock your number. "If you ever want someone to blow your mind, or blow up someone's mind. Give me a call." You smiled as Sherlock put the number in his pocket. "Yes, now I... should be going," Sherlock began to blush and furrowed his eyebrows. "I hope I haven't scared you all off,"  You declared as you opened the door for everyone. "You're talking to the man who keeps body parts in his fridge," John pointed to Sherlock, as he and Mary walked out the door. Sherlock paused at the door, looking blankly at the wall ahead of him. "Miss (Y/N) I do not say this phrase quite often but, thank you." Sherlock spoke in almost a whisper. "No problem, anytime!" You answered back, smiling wildly.
"Sherlock! Come on!" John shouted from half way down the hallway. "Goodbye then, see you soon." You said as Sherlock left the room. "Don't worry, I will." Sherlock murmured as he checked himself in the reflection of the now closed metal doors. His pupils were dilated.

________________________I hope everyone enjoyed that part! Expect John and Jim's parts to come soon!Much love,~Stéph❤️Redangel259~

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I hope everyone enjoyed that part! Expect John and Jim's parts to come soon!
Much love,

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