They get Jealous

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I'm a little sick today, but I still wanted to write something for you guys! Sorry if any grammar/spelling mistakes! Plus I need to get back on schedule. I'm bad at doing that though...whoops.

Much love, ~Stéph❤️Redangel259~ _________________

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Much love,

Sherlock Holmes
You, John, and Sherlock were sent to a crime scene that took place at a male strip club. Looked like today was your lucky day huh. As you walked into the night club, you noticed the male stripper that was lying on the ground.
"Can we at least give this dead man some respect and put him in trousers?" John stated, trying to avoid looking at the man's skimpy silver boxers.
"Nah, that won't be any fun." You said casually as you bent down towards the man's neck. There was bruising, probably done by human strangulation. You sighed to yourself as you looked at his jawline, "It's a shame really. This one would be a keeper."
You heard Sherlock scoffing behind you. "Please (Y/N), the man is obviously a homosexual."
You glared at your boyfriend and shrugged. "I don't know, he seems pretty masculine to me." You said poking the man's abs. For research of course.
"John, do we have a name for this mystery hunk?" You asked taking measurements of his wounds. John flipped through the man's wallet, taking out his business card.
"His name is 'Sebastian the Soldier' and apparently he...oh lord...'can't wait to explore your trenches'." John said uncomfortably as you laughed your head off. Sherlock seemed rather unamused and was muttering quietly to himself.
"Sherlock, you alright?" You questioned, causing Sherlock to snap out of his trance.
"Yes I am (Y/N). Why do you ask? I'm actually very busy at the moment don't bother me." Sherlock spoke monotonously. You looked at John confused.
"Sherlock all you've been doing is looking at his bruises the whole time. Even a stupid person like Anderson can figure out that he was strangled." You said trying to get him to look at you. Sherlock chuckled slightly at your insult to Anderson, before putting some swabs of DNA in a bag. He quickly got up and strode over to the exit of the night club.
"Wait! Sherlock where are you going?" You panted as you caught up to his pace. Sherlock looked straight forwards and opened his mouth slightly. "I thought you would want some time alone with your new piece of eye candy." He muttered.
You started to laugh as you held on to the sleeve of his jacket.
"Oh please Sherlock, are you jealous of a corpse? I mean he may be pretty, but he's not my type," You added, "I prefer really annoying, arrogant, high-functioning, sociopaths." You smirked at Sherlock who raised an eyebrow at you.
"This man sounds awfully familiar, I only wonder who he could be." Sherlock said, the corner of his mouth lifting.
You laughed as you both reached your car.
"Don't worry," you smiled, "I'm sure a genius like you, can deduce who he is in no time!"

John Watson
You sighed as you hung up the wall phone at the clinic. "Is this a bad time?" You heard a voice call out from the doorway of your office. John stood at the door balancing two cups of coffee and a bagel for your lunch. You let out a moan of relief as you smelled the beautiful essence of the toasted bagel.
"Oh no, you can come in," You gestured pointing to the chair across the room, "I just got off the phone with little old Prudence Smithers. She isn't taking her meds and is becoming quite looney."
Your boyfriend smiled and set down your lunch on the table, "Sorry I couldn't come earlier, Sherlock insisted on me staying at the crime scene for another twenty minutes." He said apologetically.
"Oh don't worry about it, I was busy training the new nurse at that time." You said taking sips of your coffee.
"Oh really, who is she?" John asked as you took a bite of your bagel. As you were about to answer, your door opened and in came a muscular, blond, man with a deep Australian accent.
"Good afternoon (Y/N)," he said saluting to you and placing his bags down. John looked at you confused, so you gulped down the bite of your bagel.
"John, this is the new nurse that I talked to you earlier about," you said as John raised both of his eyebrows in surprise.
"Nice to meet you mate, I'm Chris." The nurse said, reaching out his beefy arm to John's average one. John gulped, intimidated by the man's good looks and physique.
"Yes, nice to meet you too." John said uncomfortably, but still putting a grin on his face. There was a bit of an awkward silence before Chris coughed and grabbed a clipboard.
"I'll go check to see who's our next client. See ya later alligator!" He said cheerfully. You giggled as the nurse had to bend down to get through the doorway. You couldn't help but see John's eyes linger with jealously.
"He was quite the chap wasn't he, and you're on first name basis already? That's great." He laughed forcefully. You rolled your eyes as you went over to kiss your boyfriend on the forehead.
"Don't worry dear, I'm not planning on leaving you just yet." You joked, "Besides, the man is married and has two kids. And as far as I know, I'm not a home wrecker."
John stood up and kissed you on the cheek before looking at a text in his phone. "Oh no, I've got to run I'm afraid. Sherlock is threatening to blend up a cow brain in our blender, if I don't arrive in the next five minutes." He spoke annoyed.
"Well tell Sherlock that I said hello! Also text him right now and say that if he ruins our blender, I will personally force the cow brain smoothie down his throat." You smirked as John began typing.
"Love you, bye!" John kissed you quickly once more and headed on his way out smiling. How you loved it when he did that.
(P.s. Sherlock didn't appreciate your threatening text. He reallllly wanted to blend that brain. Now his dreams were crushed. Just kidding he did it anyways and bought you a new blender.)

Jim Moriarty
"Jiiiimmm!" You called out cheerfully as you threw your black duffel bag on the couch. "Come and see what I did todaaaay!" You were surprised by a cold hand wrapping itself around your waist. You leant back as you soon realized that it belonged to Jim.
"Do a lot of killing today kitten?" He purred into your ear. You chuckled and faced towards him, dried blood from your victims splattered on your face. "Loving the new look, who are you wearing?" Jim asked pointing at your face.
"Ms. Pattie from the café. She was starting some terrible but also true gossip about me, so I decided that I would kill her! Plus I was rather peckish last Tuesday, and she ran out of the butter tarts at the wrong time." You laughed as you went over to your bag on the couch. "I have some souvenirs!" You spoke proudly as you took a severed arm out of your bag. "Whoops, I don't know who this belongs to. Must be from last week." You threw the arm over your shoulder and brung out a suitcase with over two million dollars in it, a bag of diamonds, stolen clothes, and a coupon for a free pizza (with a purchase of breadsticks of course).
"I see you ran a few errands. Did you get anything for me?" Jim asked leaning over the back of the couch. You nodded as you rummaging through the bottom of your bag. You found the thing you were looking for and placed it in his hand.
"Where'd you get this?" Moriarty said his eyes darkening. You walked over behind Jim and placed a hand behind his back. "From your target that you failed to kill that one time. I saw him on his way home, so I took his life and his cash." You mentioned, looking at yourself in a wall mirror.
"So this is the glass eye of Mr. Barnsley? The banker that I was intending to kill?" Moriarty turned you around and looked into your eyes.
"Yes it is. Jealous?" You taunted as you fixed his crooked tie. Moriarty looked away for a moment before biting his cheek and shaking his head.
"Not entirely. A little disappointed. But I am impressed." He said picking up a dress from the pile of your stolen clothes. "If you want to see me get really jealous, then you should wear this tonight at the Galla. Any man who looks at you in a way I don't like, will be found dead." He chuckled deeply as he put the dress up to your form.
"Sounds fun, I might just have to." You replied back as you leant in for a kiss.

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