How you Meet- John

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John Watson
You sat silently on the edge of the ambulance, hugging a shock blanket to your cold frame. You picked off dried blood from your hands as you gaped at all the police cars and reporters that had shown up to the scene. "Ma'am, there are two gentlemen here who would like you to answer a few questions," a police officer interrupted you, as two men walked towards you. People had been talking to you nonstop for three hours, asking you questions that you couldn't answer. "Alright, but only if I can leave afterwards." You mumbled to the officer as the men stood in front of you. "Then I'll be sure not to waste your time." Said a tall, cold man with high cheekbones. "Sherlock Holmes, famous consulting detective. This is John Watson, my colleague if you will." Sherlock motioned over to the shorter, more genuine looking man. He had honey coloured hair and wore a cozy looking jumper. His eyes were soft, and his smile brought butterflies to your stomach. John had shook your hand, taking out a notebook while doing so. "And you are?" John asked as he clicked his pen open. "(Y/N) (Y/L/N)," you said with the corner of your mouth curling up. "So (Y/N), if you don't mind us asking; can you tell us what you saw tonight, or at least all that you can remember." The nice man gave a comforting look, flipping a page in his notebook.

You gave an uneasy glance before looking up, trying to remember what happened. "Well, I was walking to my car in the parking lot when I heard a scream. It sounded like someone was being hurt, so with adrenaline pumping I started to run towards the screams. I ended up finding a woman on the ground bleeding, and in the corner of my eye I saw a tall, younger, man running away. I called the police as soon as I could and I tried my best to keep her alive, even though I knew that the stabbing had punctured through both her heart and her left lung." You looked down in sadness, remembering the look on the woman's face as she slowly bled to death. "You are very brave to have taken care of a situation like this so calmly. Also according to the paramedics, you kept her alive for five more minutes than normal I believe." John smiled softly. You sighed and shook your head, "I'm used to seeing trauma and acting quickly, I had worked in the Emergency Room for five years." You responded, smiling back. Sherlock seemed irritated, clearly not getting the information that he wanted. He wandered away to look at the body again as John stayed by your side. "Do you still work there? In the ER?" John questioned as he put his notebook down. You awkwardly fiddled with your hands, letting out a nervous chuckle. "Erm no. I was recently replaced by a more 'successful' doctor, because apparently he had more 'qualifications' than a woman who had already been operating there for five years. That job was the reason I had to park here tonight. I was just dropping in to receive my reference to find a new job." You looked down embarrassed, talking about a failed job to another doctor.

"Well if you need anywhere to apply to, you can always visit my clinic. I can put in a good word for you. And I promise I won't be as much of an ass to work with as he is." John stated, pointing over to Sherlock. You laughed and let out a sigh of relief. "Really? I mean if it isn't much of a bother for you," you grinned. "Oh no, it would be my pleasure. Besides, I won't object to seeing a pretty face like yours every morning," he smirked, causing you to giggle.

"John, I suggest that you stop flirting with our witness, so we can get on with our case." Sherlock shouted from afar, rather annoyed. John stared daggers at Sherlock, before looking back to you and awkwardly smiling. "Well, I hope to see you soon." You grinned as you started to get up from the back of the ambulance. "And thank you again for the offer!" You shook his hand once again, as he genuinely smiled back. "It's no problem really, I'll look forward to seeing you again." He winked, making you blush. John began to walk away, waving back at you as Sherlock scoffed at his actions. You chuckled to yourself as you held the shock blanket closer to your torso. You couldn't wait to see him again!

______________________Jim Moriarty is next ;) Stay tuned

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Jim Moriarty is next ;) Stay tuned...
Much love,

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