Bad Day?- Moriarty

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Lol I'm so bad at updating. Here's a short little one-shot for you! Sorry again guys! Enjoy!

 Here's a short little one-shot for you! Sorry again guys! Enjoy!

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Much love,

Things were not going your way today. You had spilled coffee on your shirt, almost set off a grenade in your car, and had just preformed the sloppiest murder you had ever done. You shot your assistant in the shoulder out of frustration, and flopped down onto a kitchen chair to eat your sorrows away. You were mid-icecream scoop as you're boyfriend came gliding down the hallway, stopping at your feet. He took one look at you before raising his eyebrows, "Bad day?"

You groaned in response, and looked to your left as you shot your assistant in the other shoulder. "What do you think James?" You pouted at your icecream, which had already began to melt. Moriarty chuckled and turned your face towards him with his hand.
"I'll take that as a yes." He slowly started to walk away from you, heading towards the door. You got up from your seat and rushed over to him.
"Wait! Where are you going?" You stopped him and grabbed the side of his arm. He rolled his eyes and plucked your hands from his arm.

"I'm running an errand. Don't worry kitten, I'll back soon." He continued to walk. You sighed loudly and kept following him, you didn't want to be alone with idiots for the next few hours. You could tell that Moriarty was getting fed up with your persistent following. "I'm not letting you leave!" You mentioned, making him turn around to face you. His eyes had darkened and he let out a frustrated sigh.
"Can't you see I've got a place to be? I don't have time--" he was cut off by a gunshot firing near his head. He glanced sideways to the gun that was beside him, aimed only a few centimetres away from his face.
"For god sakes Jim, I won't miss next time. Stay here for one day with me dammit!" You said as tough as you could muster. Jim bit the side of his cheek before muttering something in his earpiece. You looked up at him with hope as he smirked down at you.

"Fine, one day. But only if you say please." He enticed, moving closer towards you. You went up on your tippy toes and whispered 'please' in his ear. He grabbed either side of your face and kissed you strongly, before holding your hand and walking back inside the house. "Anything for you, kitten." He muttered to you softly as you both relaxed on the couch. Needless to say, your bad day had ended up being pretty good from there on in!

P.s. Sorry if any spelling/grammar mistakes. It's late at night and I'm rather delusional. (>_<)/

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