Cat and Mouse- Sherlock

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, this week has me crazy! I noticed that a lot of you liked reading the two other Sherlock one-shots, so I wrote another one for you guys! Also thanks for getting this book to 1k already! It means a lot!
Much love,
*takes place before you both started dating*

(2nd person POV)
"But I thought I had this case!" You argued with your colleague and unfortunate friend Sherlock. He raised an eyebrow at you before sighing to himself and walking away. "Don't walk away from me Holmes! You told me that I could solve the case!" You whined.

Sherlock rolled his eyes and turned back to you.
"I told you that you could help with the case. Not solve the case entirely." He said looking at you blankly. You groaned as you motioned towards him.

"Oh never mind, it's not like you ever need my help anyways. You don't even converse with me about anything while I'm there either! You talk to yourself and then answer your own questions right after you say them aloud." You spoke.

"Is your complaining necessary at this moment? Because I have a case that I have to solve. Now if you want to stay here and look pretty, then I'm not stopping you. Although if you do not, then there is no need to waste my time." Sherlock threatened impatiently, staring down at his watch. You rubbed your head at his infuriating comments, and left the crime scene away from Sherlock and John.

When you got home, you started to practice the lecture that you had to prepare for a university class. Something about the psychology of the human brain. You quickly got bored of repeating the same thing for two hours, and decided to write a closing statement about the case prior to the one that happened today. As you were halfway through the statement, you got a text from Sherlock.

Don't bother with the closing statement from yesterday.
Already finished it.

"Oh for Christ's sake!" You shouted at your phone. He sent the statement to you three seconds later too. It was much better than the one you wrote anyways. He always seemed to be better than you at things. Whatever you tried to do, it would always get chased down and destroyed by Sherlock. He was the cat, and you were the mouse.

The next day it was time for your lecture at the university. As you were walking up to the podium, you were stopped by the professor. "Is there anything wrong?" You questioned to the man.
"Oh, well the thing is --" The professor tried to say as someone butted into your conversation.
"Is that he asked me to take over the lecture. Well he didn't really ask, I volunteered. Plus, I didn't see a reason not to do it." The man said. As you looked to your left you automatically realized that the man was Sherlock. You were shocked and offended that he would do this. He knew you prepared for this lecture for a long time, and then he ruined it in five seconds! You were speechless and fuming with anger and disappointment. As you were about to say something furious to Sherlock, the bell rang for the lecture to start. You sat down at the back of the room, your throat hurting from holing back angry tears.

"The human brain surely is an interesting thing," Sherlock began, "It can process memories, emotions, and even fragments of micro expressions. Although, some brains work differently than others. Some provide extraordinary qualities at birth such as a photogenic memory or an exceptional cognition. While other brains can be impacted negatively due to ones upbringing; for example, if a person were to have little to no attention as a child, they are more likely to grow up with sociopathic or possibly psychotic tendencies from their neglect."

Sherlock looked straight towards you and kept speaking, "A select few have both of these positive and negative qualities to their mind. I just happen to be one of those people. A mind like mine can be a great gift, as well as a great burden. I can deduct a person on the spot; knowing what they recently ate, did, or had. Although, I find it difficult to express any emotions to people whatsoever, or realize other people's feelings. I would apologize to those people, although I am psychologically not able to do so. Even if I knew that I said something possibly hurtful towards the individual..."

You know that what Sherlock was saying, was targeted towards you. You were still really mad that he had taken your lecture away from you, but at the same time you were glad that he apologized. Even though he had a weird way of saying it, you could tell that he was sorry. After his speech you went up to him with your arms crossed. Sherlock was expecting a yelling fit from you, but instead he received a hug. "I'm so glad that you finally realize how much of an ass you are!" You said sarcastically, breaking free from the hug. Sherlock scrunched his eyebrows together in confusion, not knowing how to respond to your statement.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sherlock smirked slightly.

"So tell me," You began, "how did you come up with the a plan of 'I'm going to apologize about being a jerk to (Y/N), while still being a jerk?'" You asked.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First of all, I never thought to apologize that was John's idea. Secondly, I was doing you a favour by speaking that lecture for you. Your speech was rubbish to begin with, you have to admit it." Sherlock defended. You thought it over to yourself, realizing that your speech really was pretty bad.

"Well even if you didn't really say sorry, I'm still going to forgive you. That's what friends are for right?" You winked, waving goodbye as you went to talk with other people. Sherlock looked at you as you walked away from him, muttering something over and over in his mind.

We're not friends (Y/N) . We're more than that. But a sociopath cannot express feelings. Pity.

The End

_____________________________________The End

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