The Last Measure - Moriarty

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Hey guys! I want to thank CellophaneDiamond for requesting this one-shot! Everyone should go check her out! Sorry if any spelling mistakes tho!
Much love,
(P.s. I'm so bad at following a smh)
*in this imagine, you are Jim's teenage daughter*

(2nd person POV)
Ever since you were a little girl, you have always had a passion for music. When you were six you learned to play the piano, and when you were eight you learned violin. At the age of eighteen you had learned how to play seven instruments: Piano; violin; flute; guitar; clarinet; harp; and, cello. Throughout the years you had excelled in music. You had already been offered two music scholarships prior to the third one, which you had received in the mail today.

Although you loved music, your father did not. Jim wasn't supportive of you throughout your musical experience. He thought that music was a waste of time and money, and that you would never get a stable career to 'live up to his legacy'. You still hadn't told him about any of the music scholarships. There was no way he was going to let you become a music major, even if it was already paid for. But, you had hope. You wanted to talk and try to convince him. You held the three different envelopes with the scholarships close to your heart, as you knocked on the door to his office.

"Who is it?" Your fathers voice rang out.

"It's me dad." You cleared your throat.

"Alright, come in." He beckoned as you opened his door. He was sitting at his desk examining a detailed knife. "Perfect timing pumpkin, I wanted to show you my new carving tool." He said while twirling the end of the knife on his fingertips. You took a deep breath and placed the three envelopes on the table. As he read the words on the envelopes, his eyes darkened. "What's this about?" He said lowly. You kept your head up high, trying not to be phased by your fathers words.

"I've gotten three different scholarships from three different universities. Everything is paid for..." You paused for a moment before gaining confidence to speak again, "Dad, I want to have a major in music--"
Before you could finish your sentence, Jim stabbed the three envelopes from the table with his knife. You whimpered and tried to reach out for them. Jim kissed his teeth and pulled the envelopes off of the knife in one swift motion.

"(Y/N), how many times do I have to tell you. Music is a waste of time!  You're starting to get defiant with this, and you know how I deal with defiance." He said darkly. You tried speaking up, but it was no use. He had gotten up from his chair and walked over to the fireplace still with the envelopes in hand. He dropped the letters one by one into the flames, blocking out your cries of anger.

"What are you doing!!" You yelled as you ran over to your father. You reached for the last letter in his hand, but he grabbed you with his other arm.
"I'm doing what's right for your future." He said sternly, dropping the last letter into the fire. You collapsed to the ground and sobbed at the sight of your dreams burning in front of you.
"You monster! You bloody monster!" You screamed at him, throwing any possible object you could find around you. Moriarty looked at you with pity and a hint of guilt. He shrugged it off and went out of the room, leaving you by yourself. You blamed yourself for actually believing that he would give you a chance.

A couple weeks had passed since the horrid discussion, but even then you didn't stop playing music. In fact, you played even harder. Whenever your dad tried to teach you how to shoot a gun, you ran off to practice your piano. Then when he thought you were at your defence classes, you were actually practicing with your cello in the music room. You were preparing your solo cello piece for the last band competition of your high-school years. You had won every competition, but it didn't feel like winning since you never had anyone there to support you. You had pleaded many times for your father to come to at least one, but he refused to support your 'worthless hobby'.

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