Chapter seven;

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Chapter seven:

Bethany’s POV:

“CONNOR?!” I screeched at the top of my lungs running completely inside his room. “GUYS SH*T C-C-CONNOR’S GONE! GUYSSSSSS!” I tried to bite back the tears but I couldn’t stop myself anymore. I let it all out. Every last shred of emotion I had inside of me. I was tired. Not the type you get from being deprived of sleep but emotionally tired. Everything that’s happened over the past few months was dragged up again.

The guys appeared outside Connors door. All of them avoiding eye contact with me and the others. We stood like this for a few minutes- silent and staring in different directions avoiding the fact Connor just left. I decided on breaking the silence. I needed to know where he was…Did they know where he went? “Where.” I coughed, “is” I coughed again, “he?” I just about managed through the tears and feelings inside of me at the present moment. The guys looked at each other and then at me. “B- Bethany…” Kian started but stopped again looking over at Jc expecting him to say something. More awkward seconds passed. Ricky finally broke the silence again this time, he slowly whispered, “Bethany come on. Can I talk to you outside?” He walked over a wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a friendly way. I managed to nod not wanting to leave Connors room in fear he might return and I wouldn’t be there.

I followed Ricky downstairs and into the kitchen. Where yet again many awkward seconds passed again. He sighed and stood up from the stool he was sat on and came over to where I stood. “I don’t know where he is…” He finally managed. This shattered my heart into a million pieces. Connor was closest to Ricky than he was to any of the other boys. (a/n I don’t know if this is true or not but yeah lets go along with it:)) and him not knowing where Connor is pained me a lot. He was out there. Alone. In the dark winter night. I needed to go find him. “Ricky I have to go find him…” I whispered turning towards the door ignoring the pleas coming from Ricky’s mouth. “BETHANY!” Kian screamed, “it’s one am for f***’s sake! You can’t go out there, it isn’t f***ing safe!” I turned to see Kian running towards me his face full of fear. “Ki…It isn’t safe for Connor either. I don’t give a s*** about whether it’s safe or not for me. I NEED TO FIND HIM!” I screamed back at him feeling the tears threatening to fall again. “Then we’ll come with you” Kian said his voice stern but cautious at the same time. I couldn’t say no. I mean I NEEDED TO FIND HIM.

Connor’s POV:

“F***’s sake” I whispered to myself turning down yet another street, “shoulda’ grabbed a coat.” I wrapped my bare arms tightly around myself as an attempt of warming myself up, it didn’t work. I lowered my head and began jogging down the random street I was on. I looked up as I ran down another street. “5th Avenue…Where the f*** am I?” I whispered to myself again. (a/n I’m not from the US so sorry if any of this is wrong.)

“Hey” mumbled a male voice behind me. I froze in my place. “Connor don’t turn around!” Screamed a voice inside me head but my feet said otherwise. I turned around noticing the figure that spoke to me was a complete stranger. “Hey!” muttered the man again.

“H-hey I erm don’t know you…sorry” I turned and began walking away again as fast as I could. “Connor don’t run away!” the voice screeched after me.

“G-go away!” I shouted, I ran as fast as I could entering downtown LA. (a/n idk if that’s what they call the bad parts of a town in the US? Like idk what they’re called in the UK either but the bad parts okay? Haha) I knew I shouldn’t be here. I glanced over my shoulder noticing the guy had long given up chasing me. “You're insecure, don't know what for, you're turning heads when you walk through the door…” One Direction- What Makes You Beautiful started playing and my phone was vibrating in my jeans pocket. I laughed at the memory of Beth stealing my phone and changing it to my ringtone and me being my normal, lazy self haven’t changed it back yet. I reached for my phone. “Incoming Call. Bethany Mota<3” It read and I clicked answer. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to say to her but I answered it anyway I needed her.

“Connor?!” A voice screeched through the phone. It broke my heart hearing the pain in her voice.

“Yeah baby it’s me” I managed to whisper, my voice cracking as I spoke.

“W-where are you…?” Her voice sounded weak and the only feeling I heard was fear.

“Downtown, Beth I’m scared” I felt the tears stinging my cheeks as I started to cry uncontrollably.

“Connor” She began crying and I instantly regretted crying, “we’ll be there in a few…w-where are y-you?”

“I-I don’t k-know” I admitted, I honestly had no clue where I was and I felt the tears come back. I don’t know why I’m crying, I was the one who ran away?

Bethany’s POV:

“CONNOR!” I screamed leaping out of the still moving car.

“S*** Beth don’t do that you’ll get yourself killed!” He whispered into my hair once I’d stood up. I felt the tears coming back and I just cracked. I began crying, again, on Connor…

“Are…you…okay?” I whispered in between sobs and he slowly nodded releasing me and walking towards Kian’s car. “Where are you going?” I asked him reaching out for his hand. Ignoring it he whispered “home Beth I’m tired, come here baby” He wrapped his arm around me waist and climbed into the car.

Still Bethany’s POV (Once they’re back at the o2l house):

“Con…..” I whispered unsure of whether he was asleep yet or not. He was curled up in the corner ignoring any contact people gave him. I walked a bit closer to him, “Con?” I whispered again slightly louder. He looked up and his eyes looked empty and emotionless. However they were red and puffy were he had been crying again, and his cheeks glistened in the dim moonlight that seeped through his blinds. I tried once more walking fully over to him now reaching my arms around him and pulling him tightly into a hug. “Con please talk to me? I’m worried about you please…?” I bit back another cry not wanting to make this worse for Connor. “Please?” I whispered so painfully into his ear. I loved him so much that I couldn’t bear seeing him in pain. He slowly turned in my arms and leant back picking up my hands as they fell towards the floor. “Beth I’m sorry for running off. I just needed space to think for a little while" He whispered before pulling my face up to his and kissing me passionately. "Forgive me?" He whispered. I nodded once and pulled his face down to mine this time, kissing him again.

A/N thank you for almost a 1000 reads! I can't believe this! I'll post the next chapter when I get between 1000 and 1020 reads hehe so PLEASE share, like, follow and comment

[A/N: tysm for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoy this and read the rest of this story, ilysm bye:)xox]

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