Chapter twelve:

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Chapter twelve

Bethany's POV:

I was really excited to find out what surprise Connor had planned for me. It was currently 7pm and I had no clue what to pack for tonight so I settled on a pair of PJ's and a cute pair of jeans and sweater for tomorrow. Me and Con had been together for seven months as of tonight and I was so happy that I got to be spending it with him. He made me happier than anyone else out there and I loved him so much for this, he was perfect. I reached for my phone and quickly checked the response our video's had been getting on YouTube and twitter.


"@arianajakeson: @BethanyMota @ConnorFranta #Cethany srsly? You 2 dont suit for sh*t! How have you been dating for seven months lmao more like seven seconds!" Oh thanks..

"@liss_tyga: CETHANY OMG CUTENESS OVERLOAD!" Majority of the tweets where nice and supportive. However there were a few girls who shipped themselves with Connor and didn't like  the idea of me being with him, I didn't care though to be honest I was happy.

Connor's POV:

It was almost time to go and pick Beth up for tonight and tomorrow. I had planned a whole cute little trip to a cute litle town and we were going to spend the night and day there for our seven month anniversary. I also just wanted to be alone with Beth so we can just talk for hours about everything and just cuddle and be in each others company for ages. The other reason was to give Beth a present for her birthday and I was sure she would love it, I hope..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Later that night) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Bethany's POV:

"Connnnnnn, where we goinggg?" I asked for what felt like the hundredth time tonight and again he shook his head and laughed. If I didn't know Con so well I'd think he was abducting me however he's too lazy to keep anyone trapped for longer than 'oh look Starbucks'... common white girl.

"CONNNNN TELL MEEEEE" I whined again hoping he would tell me.

"Bethany Noel Mota" He full named me meaning this was serious, "Quit asking me where we're going, I will never tell you! Oh and you're more of a common white girl than me!" He replied winking at me... 

"Common white girl wha... OH SH*T I SAID THAT OUT LOUD?!" I screamed causing Connor to laugh hysterically, "Hey look at the road you idiot!" I laughed back, god I hated him.

"I hate you too Hotany Mota!"

"OH MY... AGAIN?! And stop bringing up the bonfire Con Don Bon!" I began laughing uncontrollably again and I knew the next twenty four hours were going to be the best ever.

We eventually  reached somewhere familiar but before I could work out where I was my sight was blocked out by a piece of cotton. "Seriously Con! I hate you so muchhhh!" I crossed my arms and attempted to sulk like a little child, however it failed when we both began laughing.

"I can't have you knowing where we're going babe, it has to be a surprise." He whispered into my ear causing me to become aware of just how close he was to me at this moment.

"I hate you." The sulking child act came back but again failed when Connor, well I hope it was Connor, pulled me out of the car and set me down on what felt like the pavement. "I hate you too" He whispered into my hair kissing my head as he did so. Gently he removed the blindfold and  soon I realised just where we were.

"Connor why are we here...?"

A/N: cliffhanger(kinda) ooooh:') tysm for 4k reads I mean like seriously  what?! Ilysm x

[A/N: tysm for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoy this and read the rest of this story, ilysm bye:)xox]

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