Chapter 36

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Shouldn't come back -Demi Lovato
The fighter -The Fray
Skinny Love -Ed Sheeran

Harry's POV

"Fuck." I wiped away the tears that fell from my cheeks to the glass.

I held in my hand a picture frame. There wasn't anything about this picture frame that was special except that I planned to give it to Georgia. I don't know why I'm so winded up about this but even the slightest things make me cry, this situation being that I never got to give this to her.

No, there wasn't a special picture of us that fit into the frame, I just bought it as a simple kind gesture.

Whenever I was at her house and sat in her room, I couldn't help but notice this picture on her wall. The picture looked extremely special and sentimental because it was one of Georgia and her mother before she passed away.

The image that hung on her wall wasn't just a normal picture though, it was glass printed I think. I don't know, it looked like it couldn't possible be protected if it fell or someone knocked it down, I'm certain it would smash into pieces. So, before all of this drama happened, I just wanted to do something kind for the girl I loved. I went out and bought her a picture frame so that picture I knew was so important to her could stay safe.

But now I sit here at the edge of my bed that is more than large enough to fit two but is only occupied by one. This picture frame rests in my hands and catches the fall of tears that freely run down my face. I feel so stupid because I'm crying over a picture frame but I'm a firm believer that one small gesture could change future events.

Like, maybe if I didn't meet Georgia we both wouldn't be going through this torture. I hope so bad she has gotten over me I know I will never ever get over her but one of us has to move on. I need her to move on from me, it's for her own good. I only caused trouble in her perfect life and I want her to carry on like she was before I even entered her life.

I've been doing good, I've made sure not to keep contact with her at all through these past few weeks. I really hope it's helping, I hope she's okay. I worry about her every single day, I just need her to forget about me because I just bring her down.

A pool of tears filled the now wet glass of the picture frame and I tried to wipe them away but they just kept streaming. A headache I've had day after day for the past three weeks returned and I couldn't take it anymore. The truth is, I want oh so badly for her to be strong but I'm not strong myself, not anymore. Georgia left my life just like the snap of a finger, like a magic trick. One second we were perfectly happy together then the next we are completely over.

I still remember seeing those cuts on her arms for the first time, that night where she finally opened up to me in this exact same place I'm sitting.

She told me everything and I realized I loved this girl much more than I thought I did. She looked so strong and confident if you walked past her but if you dug deep down, past the walls and barriers, it's so much more complicated. Those permanent scars on her arms killed me inside and still do. Just the thought of the girl I love doing that to herself breaks my heart over and over again.

Georgia needs to see that the people around her want to help, and they can really help her. All she needs to do is reach out, she can build that confidence she needs but doesn't have and she can be happier. She needs to see that no matter what she thinks, she is still absolutely beautiful and I care about her more than anything.

I just wish I was there to comfort her, I wish I was with her the first time she decided to self harm, maybe I could've stopped it.

Who am I kidding? I'm the one who turned her life into a down spiral of hurt and raw emotion. I killed Georgia right after she was rebuilding herself from everything that happened before. I took those walls and tore them down thinking I could help her but in reality, I opened her up into this cruel world just to get burned. I blame myself. I pushed Georgia deep down into the depression she suffered before and I hurt her even more. I am such a fuck up, day after day I just destroy everything I touch.

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