Boredem is making me insane!

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Ku ku ku! This chapter should be very. . . . . well, lets say it will be interesting! MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy! oh yeah, this is cupycakes, in case u don't know. . .

     We sat on the stupid boat, dying from boredom, when a thought popped into my head. I leaned over to Birch and whispered in her ear.

     "Artemis is like a vampire because his personality is sooooo sparkly!" Birch immediately fell to the floor of the boat, laughing her head off. I followed closed behind. Jene looked at us like we were crazy so I whispered her my thought. She did the same as Birch. Butler shook his head and turned away, not amused at our sudden out-break. Artemis stopped rubbing his temples and looked at us.

     "What is so funny?" He asked, bringing on another round of laughter. He finally snapped. "What is so funny?!?!?!?!" He yelled.

     "Artemis, settle down. They're just trying to get in your head." Holly said from the controls. I finally decided to share my thought to them.

     "Artemis is like a vampire because his personality is sooooo sparkly!" I yelled sarcastically. Artemis turned a bright shade of red and put his head in his hands. Holly was laughing so hard she had to stop the boat. She continued laughing until she fell off the boat. This make us three laugh even harder.

     Butler groaned. "Fairy over-board." He muttered to himself. If was obvious he was fighting laughter. Holly hopped back on board, soaking wet but still laughing. I was laughing so hard, tears were flowing from my eyes. Artemis just sat there, rubbing his temples again. Another thought popped into my head. I stood and walked over to him, laying a hand on his shoulder and shoved.

     He fell into the water with a large splash. "What the hell were you thinking?!?!?! Master Fowl can't swim!" Butler yelled, diving into the water next to the flailing and slowly sinking Artemis. I finally stopped laughing when Butler's large frame stood over me.

     "Aww, d'arvit!" I swore. I decided that I would have a better chance at survival in the water. I quickly stood and dived head first into the nearly freezing sea. When I surfaced, I was about ten feet away from the boat.

     "Get back here!" Butler yelled. I shook my head and floated on my back. This was going to be a very long boat ride! Wonderful.

     A/N!!!!  Well, this was a very hysterical chapter! I was at my friend, Peacepal8499's house when we came up with this. We were trying to fall asleep and we got extremely bored. This was at about 2 A.m. Ku ku ku! Silly us! oh, and sorry for the short chapter!

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