Chapter 8

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""Stupid rock gods!" Leo yelled from the helm. "That's the third time I've had to replace that mast! You think they grow on trees?"
Nico frowned. "Masts are from trees.""


"Help me out, will you, Naia?" Pollux asked me.

I walked over. "What do you need me to do?"

"Just hold this end of the lights while I put this up," he explained, motioning with his hands what he wanted me to do.

I nodded and obeyed.

"So, who's coming to the party?" I asked after a while. My arm was shaking from holding it up so long.

"Hmm..." He pondered the question for a moment. "Well. Leo and Lou," he began.

My stomach flipped at the mention of their names together. I tried to tell myself that I was happy for them, that it didn't matter to me who Leo was dating, and that Lou liked him, a lot. They would be good together.

But I was pretty sure I-liked him. There, I said it-or thought it, whatever.

"And Lou just thinks she's going on a regular date with him. It's still a surprise for her," Pollux explained.

I nodded and tried for a smile. Didn't work. "And who else is coming?" I asked quickly.

"Well. Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, Nico, Percy and Annabeth, you haven't met them yet, they were in New York together when you came here. Aislin's coming too, as well as the rest of the Aphrodite cabin... and Travis and Connor... I'd say most of the Hermes cabin is coming. Probably NOT Octavian, 'cause he's a jerk, and really uptight, Reyna maybe, since she's nice... but also uptight. So I'll have Jason deal with her. And that Louis kid. He's... kind of boring, but he likes you..."

"As a friend," I put in.

"No, he doesn't, not really. Well. There's more, but I'm not in the mood to list anyone else."

"Okay," I said. He pointed to a decoration and I passed it to him. "Anything else you need help with?"

He frowned. "No... I think I'm good. You shouldn't have to get your own party ready! Go outside and take a walk or hang out with your friend or something," he told me kindly.

"Okay. When should I be back by?" I looked at the many bags of junk food lying on the ground.

"Eh... six or so? I don't know. It all depends on how much time you'll need to get ready... The party starts at six thirty. So just be ready by then," he told me.

"Sure," I said. "Thanks a lot for this, Pollux. Whenever I had parties at home, Mom would just hire half a dozen people to set it up for me. She never put any effort into it like you are." I kissed his cheek. "So far, you're a great older brother."

He smiled broadly, blushing a bit. "And you're a great little sister, Naia. Now go out and have some fun."

I grinned and nodded, and went outside. I walked around for a bit, until I felt a cold feeling run through me...

And then I felt a sudden urge to go to the Big House. To the attic, more precisely.

After about a minute and a half of speed-walking, I was there.

And so was Hekate.

"Naia. At last. I've tried to summon you many times before this, but it never worked. I wonder why," she mused. "It was making me start to go rather... insane, might I say."

"So do I," I said, figuring that it was probably a good idea to agree with her.

"So do I, my lady," she corrected me, frowning.

Burning Passion: A Leo Valdez Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now