Chapter 22

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Leo dropped into the pool and approched the cage. "Hola, Tia. Little bit of trouble?"


I was falling, into the lava... hand was slipping...
...I wouldn't be able to hold on much longer...

This was it, I thought. I'd never be able to complete the quest. Save the world. Help the people I'd harmed because of Hekate. Never fulfill my "destiny".

Speaking of destiny, I'd never be able to watch the last season of Merlin. Now I was really mad at my impending doom.

And then I felt a hand grab mine; Leo's hand. Relief filled my body like hot chocolate.

He pulled me up, and I landed next to him, my hands on his chest for balance.

I looked at him, and we stared at each other for a long moment. Then he pulled me into a hug.

"Oh, my gods, Naia. I was so worried... I though you were dead... never do something like that again, okay? Promise me." He was holding me tightly, his face buried into my neck. My skin tingled all over. I hated how someone had this effect on me - especially since the tingling sensation was mildly pleasant, and since we were on a quest, I shouldn't be distracted by my damn teenage hormones. But it was always the way. At least, it was in books.

"I promise," I said. "But," I added, grinning (although he couldn't see me), "I can't really control getting kidnapped by monsters, and thrown down cliffs, can I?"

"I hate you," he murmured into my hair. "Seriously." He laughed, and he seemed to release all the tension in his body with that laugh.

"That's not nice," I whispered back. "All I did was almost get killed. By your contraption, might I add."

He laughed again. "Good point. I beg you to accept my apologies."

"I do, Leo, I do." I replied. "Besides, it survived somehow." I pointed to where it hung, suspended right over the cliff.

"Wow." He pulled away slightly, so my hands rested on his chest again, and one of his on my shoulder, the other cupping my face. There was an emotion in the deep brown of his eyes. I wondered if he was going to say something, but he didn't.

Then I felt myself pulled toward him, and Leo to me, as if we were magnets. And our eyes closed slowly. I felt a falling sensation, and wondered, if this was what love was like? But I shook my head inwardly. I couldn't think like that. I needed to focus. But even so, as I leaned towards him, I felt that thought disintegrate.

"Hate to interrupt this sweet little scene," came Esmeralda's high, clear voice, "but I'm nine and I doubt it's age-appropriate. Plus, I think we're about to have company." Her tone changed from laughing to nervous in a matter of seconds.

Esmeralda, darling, you could not have had worse timing in announcing impending doom or protecting your innocence.

Agonizingly, Leo pulled back. I scowled at the ground, and he got up and walked towards the Breath Mint. I followed him, and Esmeralda skipped over, her bright dress fluttering in the wind. I was reminded that we needed to get her some more clothes. Why couldn't she have shown up before we went on our little town excursion?

"Should we run?" Esmeralda whispered in a nervous voice.

I frowned in puzzlement. "Why -?"

Then I heard it. Screeching.

The flipping birds were back.


Leo yelled at us to try to get the Breath Mint off the edge and escape that way.

"How?" I demanded. "The thing's attached to the rock by an inch!"

Esmeralda walked towards it. "Careful!" I yelled.

But she put her hand towards it and it seemed to move towards us. And no one was touching it.

"Is that something you programmed?" I asked Leo nervously.

"No," he replied, shaking his head in confusion.

"I have telekinesis!" Esmeralda shouted to us excitedly. "I think..."

And just at that moment, the Stymphalian Birds decided to make an appearance.

"Get in!" I shrieked, and grabbed the two of them. Then we were speeding down the rocky slope towards the forest.


Now that I had witnessed the [unpleasant] outcomes of riding the S.S. Breath Mint, I was apprehensive at riding it again. Especially with Esmeralda sitting in the front. Although she seemed to be having the time of her life, I was worried she'd lean to far forward and fall out. Or something. And the seating arrangements, which basically had me sitting in Leo's lap.

Meanwhile, the Stymphalian Birds were flying after us, squawking. I wanted to cover my ears, but, I kind of had to hold on.

Esmeralda turned around to face Leo and I. "How are we going to do these screechy noises?" she asked.

I tried to shrug. "Wait - Leo, do you have anything in your belt?"

He reached inside, gripping my waist with his free hand, and pulled out a whistle.

He passed it to me. "Go on, then!"

I lifted it to my lips and blew as hard as I could into it, producing an unpleasant noise. But would it be enough to deter the birds?

I hoped so.

We came to a halt at the bottom of the mountain, in front of the woods. We stepped out, and I pulled a dagger from my necklace (Esmeralda let out a gasp), and looked at Leo. "These must be the woods."

He nodded. "Let's get rid of the birds."


I tossed a dagger into the flock, and then blew the whistle again. They seemed to scatter slightly. Meanwhile, I threw more daggers up at them.

Esmeralda ran in front of the flock.

"Esmeralda, no!" I cried. But she ignored me. Turning her face upwards, she let out a piercing shriek that scattered the birds. Leo seemed to realize something, and then threw a fireball up at them.

I ran and grabbed Esmeralda and pulled her away from the exploding bird pile. Leo was already a bunch of yards away, so I joined him there. "Nice trick," I muttered to him. Then I looked at Esmeralda. "Don't do that again, okay? You could have gotten hurt. Maybe even killed."

She laughed. "You need me," she said matter-of-factly. "It would have taken you ages to defeat them otherwise."

I looked at her sternly for a moment more, then laughed. Leo joined in.

"Alright," Leo said. "To the woods! Onward!"


I know, I know, wayyyy past my due date. I'm sowwwyyyyyyy!!!!!! :/

I know the chapters have been very short lately, and I'll try to make them longer... oh gods, writer's block sucks.

So I won't lie to you all and tell you the next update will be soon, because I don't know yet and it's unlikely. But ta-ta for now! :D

Burning Passion: A Leo Valdez Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now