Chapter 3

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"Well, that was sucktastic."

A while later, we were in Berkeley. We hadn't quite gotten to the camp, but according to Michael we were close.

I was exhausted. But as much as I trusted Michael, I wasn't going to sleep in a near-stranger's car. No freaking way.

He drove up to a tunnel.

"Well, this is it," Michael said. "Just go through here and we're at Camp."

"Yay!" I exclaimed. I couldn't wait. I was going to Camp Half-Blood. I didn't believe it. It was just to amazing. It was... surreal.

Then I heard a strange noise behind us. It sounded like feet scraping on pavement...

And then the glass in the back windows shattered.

I whirled around, and looked begind. In the back seat there were several thorn-like things. Probably what had gone the ought the window. I felt a slight pain in my upper back, in a few different spots. I was wearing a tank top, and my shoulders were mostly uncovered. Some of the glass had probably gone in.

Well, whatever. I could deal with that. We just needed to get to Camp and then we'd be safe. Hopefully.

"Michael, what was that?" I asked.

"Um... I'm not sure. Any clues?" He asked.

"Just some thorns, at least I think that's what they are, in the back."

"Di immortales," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind. Just try to take cover. I think the monster's a manticore."

"Great, and how do I kill it? I have no weapons. And you're driving, you can't do it."

"You'll find a way," he assured me.

Well, thanks a lot, Mikey.

Then I heard a popping noise, and Michael slumped forward in his seat, the car slipping forward and then coming to an abrupt stop. I stared at him. "Michael, um... it's not exactly the best time for a nap," I said. I tapped him on the head, and then I noticed something sticking out of his neck. A thorn. Just like the ones in the back seat. And his neck was bleeding as well, heavily-but the blood was super thick and tinged green. Poison green. And then I saw a few others. I wasn't sure, bit he wasn't breathing very much. I needed to get him to safety. Fast.

I unbuckled our seatbelts and pulled Michael out of the car.

Then I gasped. There it was.

I backed away slowly. Now what... I'd only ever been in combat once before. I was a total novice at this.

I felt a hand grab my wrist. Michael's. I looked down at him.

"Run," he said. "Leave me. Save yourself. I'm going to die. There's nothing you, or anyone, can do."

"No way!" I protested. "I'm not letting you die before we even get to Camp. I'll find a way to kill it."

"You're a good kid, Naia. I'd hate to see talent like yours wasted. Besides, I think you're important. It's not your time. Leave me." His eyes were pleading.

"No. End of discussion." I ran forward, and jumped up onto the monster's back.

Wait... maybe not the best idea ever. I wasn't really sure why I'd just done that. But it distracted the monster for a while.

"What are you doing, little one?" The monster asked. "Trying to prolong the inevitable?"

I screamed. I couldn't help it, seeing (or technically hearing) a giant horned thing speak was just too much for me.

Burning Passion: A Leo Valdez Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now