Chapter 32

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"Survive first. Figure out crayon drawing of destiny later."


Connor ran in to the room just as Jason stopped breathing.

Leo looked up at him bleakly. "You're too late."

"Don't say that!" Piper hissed. "Where's the cure?"

"We didn't know what to get, so we just grabbed a bunch of stuff," Connor replied.

Chiron looked over at him. "Let's see them. Perhaps it is not too late." Connor handed him a bag.

Nico came rushing into the room, breathing heavily. "How is he?"

Piper looked down at Jason, tears dripping down her face. "He's dying," I said.

I felt like I was intruding on all of this. I'd never really known Jason, and the rest of them had, and I knew how much this would affect them, in a way that wouldn't affect me. And I felt horrible about it.

Leo didn't need me right now, either. He was holding Piper's hand tightly. I wasn't jealous; I knew they were more like siblings than lovers. But it hurt, because for once, it wasn't me and Leo, like it had always been.

I decided to leave. I wasn't helping here. Maybe I could collect my thoughts and find out how I could get to Olympus. So I walked outside quietly, and prayed that Jason would live. Then I walked to the big house and went upstairs.

It was fairly empty; no Hekate, for once. But the emptiness was what I wanted. I needed to be alone, for once, just collect my thoughts.

I sat down on the floor, because everywhere else was surrounded by knickknacks and trophies and such. I wondered if something I'd ever contributed to would be up here.

I closed my eyes, trying to block everything out. Then I heard footsteps behind me, coming up the stairs.

I opened my eyes and turned around slowly.

It was a girl, with frizzy red hair and green eyes. She looked familiar.

"Naia?" she said. "I'm Rachel. I need to talk to you."

"Okay," I said, confused. "What about?"

"I had a premonition about you," she replied. "You're a legacy of two different gods as well as a daughter of Dionysus, aren't you?"

My eyes widened. How could she know?

"I'm the oracle," she explained.

"Oh. Yes, I am... I'm supposed to keep that secret, or else..."

"Hekate will hurt me. I know. But listen, there's something I need to tell you. You're too powerful. I don't think Hekate knew that. But someone with as much god in them, as much power, as you - you shouldn't exist."

I frowned. "But I do exist. So..."

"Frank Zhang is like you. Not as extreme, but he's like you. And his life depends on a piece of wood."

"I think I heard that, yeah," I replied. "So what about me? Does my life depend on a leaf or something?"

"No," she said. "You have a life limit."

I shook my head. "So, I'll die at a specific time?"

"Yes. You'll die on the seventeenth day of your seventeenth year."

I took in a breath. "So that would be on September 22. Next year." I bit my lip. "Well, that should be enough time to sort everything out." I laughed nervously, humourlessly. It's not every day you're told when you die.

It hadn't really sunk in yet, though. How could I believe something like that? It was just too crazy, even for my life.

But I had to just ignore it for now. I had to get to Olympus and get rid of Hekate and heal the gods. It was my destiny - and my way of finding forgiveness in myself. A part of me would still hate myself when I'd die, if I hadn't fixed everything in my power to fix.

It was time to ask Chiron for a ride to Olympus.


I walked back to the infirmary to find Leo and Piper crying, Connor standing behind them looking uncomfortable, and Chiron looking sad. Nico was gone. And Jason was lying on his bed, his eyes closed, perfectly still.

He was dead.

I walked over to Leo and put my arms around him and let him cry onto my shoulder. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I didn't say much else; there was little I could say.

He cried for a while, and I just sat there, holding him. I felt horrible for him. I knew what it was like to lose your best friend, after all. I think a lot of us did. That was what life was like; people die every day, every minute. You just have to keep fighting. To honour them.

And that was what I was going to do. I was going to save the world, and through that avenge everyone who had died. Because of me.


Right, apologies for the late update; I was out all day yesterday and stuff. :)

So I'm having an existential crisis caused by Doctor Who.

I know, off topic, but seriously. I'm starting to find every sexual relationship pointless apart from the DoctorxRose (which is partially good because I'm obsessing less over celebrities/fictional characters who I'm slightly infatuated with...), and I'm an emotional wreck from Doomsday, and I'm questioning existence, and hoping I'll meet the Doctor and become one of his companions.

Ha. Yeah, that wouldn't end well. And it won't happen.

Why can't joining a fandom be a light, happy experience? (said no one, ever.)

Anyway, new update, obviously. What did you think? Gloomy? Most likely. EXPRESS YOUR THOUGHTS! :D

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