Chapter 30

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"Coach? I can't unclench my hands."


"Leo, come quick," said Naia's voice. "It's Jason."

I sat up abruptly, my nap over. Naia was standing next to the couch I was lying on, a worried expression on her face. "He's... Leo, he's dying."

My eyes widened, dread filling my body. "Where is he?" I demanded.

"Come with me," she said, her voice sad. She took my hand and led me to the infirmary.

Jason was lying on a bed, Piper crying next to him. "He's almost gone," she sobbed.

I pulled away from Naia and knelt down next to him. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"Really warm," he wheezed. "And it's... hard to get... breath."

"Hold on, okay? We'll help you." We have to, I thought. Jason was my oldest friend. It'd kill me if he died.

"Hasn't anyone given him the cure?" I demanded, looking around desperately. Naia stood a little back, a lost expression on her face. She hadn't known Jason, but she could tell I cared about him.

"It's too late," she said helplessly.

"We tried it, and he almost seemed okay. And then his heart rate dropped. The healers all looked at him, Chiron, the little girl, me, Naia..." Piper wiped away a tear running down her high cheekbone. "Nothing's helped." She looked down and whispered, "I don't know what to do."

Leo didn't, either. He just stared at Jason, who was helplessly drifting in and out of consciousness. He was obviously in pain, bad pain, perhaps worse than anything else he'd suffered.

"Isn't there any painkillers we can give him?" Naia asked. "And have you tried ambrosia?"

"Yes, we've tried. And no. We've tried a lot already," Piper replied, "nothing's worked so far."

We were all silent for a moment, and then Chiron came over and checked on him.

"Is anyone else..." Naia trailed off. Chiron shook his head. "No one else is in very bad condition, nothing a little ambrosia won't fix."

"How long does he have left?" I asked.

"An hour, perhaps," Chiron replied. "At most."

"Could we somehow get back to the lamia place?" I suggested. "Maybe they have a better cure. Someone could go..."

"I'll go, said someone. I turned around; it was Connor Stoll.

His eyes were red; his brother had just died, after all.

"Do you even know where it is?" I asked.

"I do," said Nico. He was talking to Hazel a few beds away. "I'd figure it out."

"How do you know?" Naia asked.

"I've been there."

No one asked him when, or why he'd been there.

"Are you sure you two want to go?" asked Chiron.

They both nodded. "My brother died. Other kids, too. I want as many people as possible to live," Connor said.

Nico nodded. "And he can't go without me. I can shadow travel, and I know where we need to be."

"Very well. Go now, and hurry."

"Thanks," I whispered.

They nodded and walked away.

I desperately hoped they'd find something, although I doubted it. How many cures would there be for one thing? They were risking their necks on a shred of hope that there would be something that could save Jason.

Please, I prayed, to whichever god controlled this stuff. Please let them find a cure.

I looked back at Naia, who looked... I dunno how to describe her expression, but I could tell she was blaming it all on herself, as usual. I wanted to comfort her, but I had Jason to look after right now.

"Connor and Nico are going to try to find the cure," I told him. "You'll be okay."

He nodded. "Don't... worry... I'll be fine."

I desperately hoped he was right.


I'm putting all these characters in near-death situations... I FEEL LIKE UNCLE RICK...

Okay I'm probably doing the next chapter in Nico's POV. I'm not sure it's the best idea ever, but I want to show y'all what happens. So that's why this was a short chapter - I need to get into the Nico mindset. You know, acting and writing aren't all that different.

But anyway, see you spoon (intentional typo; I'm bored) I apologize for the terribly short chapter (again)

Anyway, this is seriously exciting to write. I'm adding in more and more than I planned in the first place, and even though it's stressful ending a book properly, and the writer's block issue, I'm having so much fun plotting out DEATH! Lol jk there's not much death.

Burning Passion: A Leo Valdez Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now